Room and Education For Eric Ayala in Ghana West Africa

$2,775 of $5,000 goal
Given by 18 generous donors in 13 weeks

Eric deserves a life, the move from the orphanage is a lot to fund, His disabilities are no fault of his. Without our help he has no chance


Eric Ayala lives in Ghana, West Africa. When Eric was just under three years of age he and his mother Lucy Ayala were struck by a car driven by a member of the Ghanaian government.

Eric was dragged hundreds of feet down the road under the car. He was left with multiple injuries. He is now twenty three years old and is a paraplegic. He is incontinent, suffers from constant urinary tract and kidney infections. Eric's immune system has been comprised from years of taking antibiotics to try and rid his body of osteomyelitis. Eric needs money for medical treatment so that when he has infections he will be able to pay for the treatment he needs. Just in the last month Eric has had Malaria, a urinary tract infection and an abscess in his ear which was bleeding and oozing pus. In Ghana there is no free medical treatment. Every time Eric attends a medical facility for help he must first pay for the medicine and treatment before he is given help.

in July 2017 Eric was taken to the US and had life saving surgery there but now back in Ghana he needs financial help. "See"

Some of the money that is raised will pay for his ongoing medical needs.

Eric needs a place to live. Eric has been living in a shelter since 2017. He has been fed, and

been able to take the opportunity of schooling and live in a safe environment.

Sadly he cannot stay there much longer. He is much older than the children who live in this shelter and Eric would like to be independent. His family are extreme poor and live about seven hours from where he is currently living. They can give him no financial help at all.

Eric has found a house that he would like to live in. A family have offered him the room. The part he would be in currently has a dirt floor, no ceiling and an open hole for the window.

It does not have electricity, water, a toilet or shower. We need at least $5000 US dollars. This money would be used to finish the room so he can move in. He will need funds for food, for

schooling fees, for his personal needs etc. These needs obviously will be on going for the rest of his life.

Eric should have left the shelter several months ago but as he has had no other place to go the management of this facility have kindly let him stay there. He needs to move before October.

Diane Wood's involvement (page creator)

We presently support Eric in Ghana and have been for two years. We assisted in getting Eric to America for a life saving operation which was sponsored by a hospital in Salt lake USA.

Use of funds

The funds will be used to build a room that he can access with shower and toilet where he can live a humble life. the money will help pay high school education fees+assist with food until he can perhaps earn some money himself for food and medical expenses

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 Aug 2019
David on 23 Aug 2019
Linda on 20 Aug 2019
We LOVE you Eric!
Gayle & Joan
Gayle & Joan on 13 Aug 2019
We wish you all the best Eric!
Becky and Steve
Becky and Steve on 13 Aug 2019
Eric, we miss you and love you so much!!

Who's involved?

Diane Wood's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Diane Wood on behalf of Eric Ayala
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This campaign started on 26 Jul 2019 and ended on 26 Oct 2019.