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Rotary Give Every Child A Future

  • #MoveForGECAF

      13 October 2020
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    Since we started to fundraise for this project, a lot of Rotaract Clubs around the world have jumped on board pledging to move with us on the 1st of November.

    We had clubs from Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico, Jamacia, USA, Canada, Denmark, The Netherlands, Australia, Turkey, Bosnia, Uganda, South Africa & NZ that biked, ran, danced, did a yoga session on the same day we ran 11km.

    With just over a month into fundraising, we are seeing the impact of this project and how it has brought together people from all over the world to help us raise funds & awareness for a project close to our hearts.

    Our team was definitely inspired and motivated by the overwhelming support we received from other individuals & Rotaractors. We had more people join our running team at the last minute which was fantastic!

    People initiated little challenges on social media, whether it's 20 squats or push-ups. We're happy to see the #MoveForGECAF being used more often and in different continents.

    Visit our Facebook or Instagram page to see the pledges from clubs & individuals.

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