Roy and Char

$17,109 donated
Given by 170 generous donors in one year

To help a family through their time in need


Hey everyone, I’m setting up this page on behalf of Roy and Char.

Roy is critically sick and currently in ICU in Auckland City Hospital and is currently being supported by machines.

You can only imagine how much stress and pressure not only emotionally but financially has been put on Char and family with accommodation and travel cost.

Therefore if you can help any donation would be greatly appreciated.



Hi guys

Just wanted to update everyone who has supported me during my illness. I was lucky enough to donated a heart match and had a heart transplant on October 10th 2021 and was in ICU at Auckland City Hospital, then ward 3 during the covid lockdown so had only Char and my father Peter as support. It was pretty hard mentally, physically and financially(as DHB stopped all support), but we got through it and I rehabbed at Hearty Towers at Greenlane hospital.

We got home after the first week of December so was in hospital for two months post transplant recovering.

I have been having biopsy’s every two weeks and unfortunately have had three lots of rejection. My body and the new organ aren’t getting along so well and I have had a vein removed from my right leg as a heart artery was too short , so I have been treated with prednisone which is quite hard on my body. I am still quite beaten up.

The money everyone donated helped immensely as with no support from DHB for travel, accommodation and carparking it was all used up.

We are forever grateful to those of you who hand supported me and reached out I am overwhelmed by the Aroha everyone shown

I will keep on fighting and doing my upmost to keep going but as we start another year I would to personally thank you for what you did for me last year

Best regards

Roy and Char

Shane Avery's involvement (page creator)

Family friend

Use of funds

Accommodation and travel

Latest update


Posted by: Charmaine Nolan

Hi guys

Just wanted to update everyone who has supported me during my illness. I was lucky enough to be donated a heart match so I had a heart transplant on October 10th 2021 and was in ICU at Auckland City Hospital, then moved to the ward, during the Covid lockdown. so had only Char and my father Peter as support. It was pretty hard mentally, emotionally, physically and financially (all DHB accommodation was closed ), but we got through it (thanks to everyone's donations). I have rehabbed at Hearty Towers at Greenlane hospital.

We got home after the first week of December so was in hospital for two months post transplant recovering.

I have been having biopsy’s every two weeks and unfortunately have had three lots of rejection. My body and the new organ aren’t getting along so well and I have had a vein removed from my right leg as a heart artery was too short , so I have been treated with prednisone which is quite hard on my body. I am still quite beaten up.

The money everyone donated helped immensely as with no support from DHB for travel, accommodation and carparking it was all used up.

We are forever grateful to those of you who have supported us both and reached out I am overwhelmed by the Aroha everyone shown

I will keep on fighting and doing my upmost to keep going but as we start another year I would to personally thank you for what you did for me last year and all the well wishes let’s hope 2022 shines bright on us !!

Best regards

Roy and Char

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Latest donations

Dodgy on 01 Aug 2021
Coffee credits 😉
Grippa on 01 Aug 2021
Long and winding road mate but you are one tough bugger.
Possum on 18 Jun 2021
Get well soon fella. I'm missing your coffee. Cheers Possum
Neil on 11 Jun 2021
Kia kaha
Frankie on 04 Jun 2021

Who's involved?

Shane Avery's avatar
Created by Shane Avery
Charmaine Nolan's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Charmaine Nolan
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This campaign started on 9 May 2021 and ended on 9 May 2022.