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Donate a Seedling - Help Restore our Biodiversity

$90 of $55,000 goal
Given by 3 generous donors in around 10 months

Return the wild. Purchase a native seedling and help create pathways of biodiversity for the benefit of future generations.


The Wairarapa's Ruamahanga catchment is like a living body with water pumping through its veins. A vast number of tributary streams and rivers all feed into the Ruamahanga, flowing from the ranges and hills, seeping through farms, crossing paths with townships and onwards, feeding the Lakes Wairarapa and Ōnoke and neighbouring wetlands, before finally reaching the ocean.

To the south of our catchment is the Wairarapa Moana –– the largest wetland in the southern North Island. Treasured for hundreds of years, the area is acknowledged by local Māori as a place of cultural and spiritual value. The once abundant waters teemed with life. Today, a fragile and unique ecology remains, significant as a migratory pathway for many important and threatened species.

In fact, the entire length and breadth of the Ruamahanga catchment is important and significant for iwi, farmers, and community groups alike. Great results are being achieved by various community groups in the South Wairarapa, but the confluence of support, where we band together, is required all the way upstream.

Our task now is to help younger generations create new pathways, for themselves and those that follow –– planting native seedlings, eradicating predators, and creating bird corridors and pockets of restored lowland podocarp forest; where ground water can be retained, where native birds can breed and thrive, where farms can be nourished and sustained––and importantly where young people can learn from nature and be inspired to work together to re-wild our natural habitats and reverse the effects of climate change across the globe.

Every tree––every individual effort––counts.

About us

The Ruamahanga Restoration Trust funds the planting of native trees and educational conservation projects that support schools, landowners, and rural communities across the Wairarapa.

As a non-profit, our goal is to help restore and regenerate streams, wetlands, and pockets of native bush along the length and breadth of Ruamahanga River and its many tributaries, which in turn will help protect native fish species and create bird corridors from Pūkaha to Kawakawa Palliser Bay.

For us, this means starting with our Schools Behind Our River project to deliver hands-on learning opportunities for school students to embrace environmental conservation projects that connect local communities with the health of their river catchment, Māori heritage, and sustainable biodiversity goals.

The Ruamahanga Restoration Trust embraces traditional values, mātauranga Māori, sustainable farming practices, and the use of new technologies as a means to mitigate the effects of climate change and protect our natural environment for future generations.

Use of funds

All funds will be used solely for the purchase of native seedlings to be planted by school students and rural community volunteers, regardless of the total sum raised.

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Latest donations

Sally on 07 Jul 2021
Ruamahanga Restoration Trust

Thank you Sally for your donation. We look forward to planting a beautiful native tree with your name on it!

Ruamahanga Restoration Trust
Katy on 06 Jul 2021
Ruamahanga Restoration Trust

Thank you Katy, your contribution means a lot. Please continue to follow our progress and activities via Twitter, Facebook or our blog. Ngā mihi maioha.

Ruamahanga Restoration Trust
André Branco (Portugal)
André Branco (Portugal) on 05 Jul 2021
Happy to help!
Ruamahanga Restoration Trust

Thank you Andre, we will personally attend to your special tree –– and watch it grow.

Ruamahanga Restoration Trust

Who's involved?

Ruamahanga Restoration Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Ruamahanga Restoration Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 4 Jul 2021 and ended on 5 May 2022.