Fund the Ruminator

$165 of $400 goal
Given by 5 generous donors in 14 days

The Ruminator needs some moneys to keep rolling. I'm poor.


The annual fee to keep the Ruminator going has come up for renewal at a pretty stink time. I've started my own business so money is a wee bit tight at the moment.

Content hasn't been flowing here, but there are movements afoot to try and get more stuff happening more frequently.

If you feel generous, then great! If not then that's also cool.

David Cormack's involvement (page creator)

I am the founder of the Ruminator

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Sep 2016
Dita and Ali
Dita and Ali on 25 Aug 2016
Go you good thing!
Scotty McScottface
Scotty McScottface on 25 Aug 2016
It's a good blog site, would be a shame to see it disappear out of the blogosphere. Next year: Canon Award!
HORUS on 25 Aug 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 Aug 2016

Who's involved?

David Cormack's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, David Cormack on behalf of The Ruminator
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This campaign started on 24 Aug 2016 and ended on 8 Sep 2016.