Running for MND Awareness

$555 donated
Given by 17 generous donors in 10 weeks

I am running the 2019 London Marathon to bring awareness to MND and to help raise money for Stubby (Steve) West.


My name is Staci and this April I will be running the Virgin Money London Marathon. As part of the personal challenge to myself, I am raising money for Stubby (Steve) West, a family friend of mine who has been diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease (MND).

Stubby is a kind hearted man with an infectious sense of humour and smile. Up until four years ago, Stubby was a fit, active, hardworking father and husband to his two daughters, Paige & Taylah, and his wife Chris. In 2015 he was diagnosed with MND.

MND is a neurological disorder that destroys motor neurons, the cells that enable a person’s voluntary muscle activity, allowing them to breathe, swallow, walk and eat. Unfortunately there is no cure for this crippling disease and treatment options are severely limited due to the lack of government funding available to support alternative medical treatments.

Due to the deterioration of his condition, Stubby is no longer able to work and provide for his family. They have themselves been trying to fund every possible alternative medicine available but these treatments do not come without a hefty price tag.

Staci Tappin's involvement (page creator)

Stubby is a family friend of mine

Use of funds

I am raising money to help contribute to Stubby’s ongoing medical costs and treatments.

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Mar 2019
Tim H
Tim H on 21 Mar 2019
Mike & Kim Tappin
Mike & Kim Tappin on 20 Mar 2019
Irene Judd
Irene Judd on 14 Mar 2019
Good on you Staci. Love Gran
Sheree & Steve
Sheree & Steve on 10 Mar 2019

Who's involved?

Staci Tappin's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Staci Tappin on behalf of Stubby (Steve) West
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This campaign started on 19 Feb 2019 and ended on 3 May 2019.