Santa’s Little Helpers | Meri Kirihimete 2024

$4,828 of $25,000 goal
Given by 62 generous donors in 4 weeks

Supporting The Aunties Whānau to have a Christmas filled with joy and love.


The Aunties supports 28 women, their 76 children, and 65 grandchildren to have a joy-filled Christmas and holiday season.

We can only do this through your support. This year more than ever these families need our help and support to continue thriving and healing.

An excerpt from our Impact Report by Sonia Yoshioka Braid

Many of the Aunties Whānau mentioned how much they appreciate the support they receive for special occasions like birthdays, Easter, and Christmas. They are all very clear that, left to their own devices, they would not be able to give their family presents or celebrate Christmas because they just don’t have the money to spare. In the past they found it depressing and embarrassing that they couldn’t provide something for their families or themselves when the occasion arose.

My life has changed in positive ways since being a part of the aunties whanau. I have overcome many issues with their love and kindness. I have been given xmas and easter presents for my grandchildren and great grandchildren. I have never been able to afford to buy them presents.

The Aunties have helped with Easter and Christmas presents and provided me and my family with the opportunity to have a holiday together for the first time.

The biggest blessing I have received is to see the happy expression on my mokos’ faces when it came to birthdays, Easter, and Christmas.

The food vouchers, Prezzy cards, and gifts at Easter and Christmas really helped us so much.

About us

We work with around 2000 people a year to provide access to emotional and practical resources. Primarily this is to women and their families who are seeking to heal from domestic violence.

Use of funds

Additional financial support during the holiday season.

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Latest donations

Kate 2 days ago
Jan 4 days ago
best wishes to you all
Liselle 5 days ago
Teresa 5 days ago
Guest Donor
Guest Donor 6 days ago

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The Aunties's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, The Aunties (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 12 Nov 2024 and ends on 31 Dec 2024.