Save Puriri Park

$6,625 of $37,000 goal
Given by 41 generous donors in 10 weeks

To raise funds to pay a planner, urban designer and lawyer to oppose the development of a high density housing on a local park.


The Puriri Park and Maunu residents Society (PPMRS)are raising funds to oppose the development of a high density housing development in what is currently used as a park and has been for 50 years. HNZ have voluntarily made the application for consent publicly notifiable. This allows anyone with an interest to make a submission (an argument) for or against the subdivision. Once the submissions have been received the case will go to a hearing in which the cases for and against will be heard by an independent commissioner who will decide on behalf of the council whether consent should be given. The PPMRS will argue that the proposed subdivision is inconsistent with the Living 1 Zoning and will significantly impact on the amenity values of the area. We also believe that the loss of green space will be detrimental to the health of the community and increased traffic and parking around the remaining park will be detrimental to the safety of the children playing there.

This proposed housing project will set a precedent for the whole of NZ and its vital we properly oppose it. To do this we need a Planner, urban designer and lawyer. This is expected to cost $60,000. All funds raised will go to paying these costs. PPMRS have already raised $23000 so $37000 is our current goal. SAVE the PARK!!

Use of funds

To pay for expert help of a planner, urban designer and lawyer to oppose the development of a high density housing project on Green space in Maunu. Surplus funds will be used to seek expert witnesses in other areas such as traffic effects.

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Latest update

Help. We still need a lawyer  11 June 2019

Thanks to the very generous donations we have had so far we now have enough money to employ a planner and urban designer. We still need to fund raise for a lawyer to represent us.

We have funds coming in directly as well but still need another $20000.

Thanks for giving on behalf of the Puriri Park and Maunu Residents Committee.

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Latest donations

Phillipa and John Monteith
Phillipa and John Monteith on 05 Jul 2019
Zane and Heather Shelley
Zane and Heather Shelley on 29 Jun 2019
Fiona Aiken
Fiona Aiken on 29 Jun 2019
S. Stainton
S. Stainton on 27 Jun 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 Jun 2019

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Puriri Park and Maunu Residents Society Inc. (Group)
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This campaign started on 28 May 2019 and ended on 11 Aug 2019.