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Please support the legal challenge to save hundreds of trees at Ōtāhuhu Mt Richmond.

$22,660 donated
Given by 142 generous donors in over a year

We are a grassroots community group formed in response to approved resource consent to clear fell 278 exotic trees.

Otahuhu, Auckland

Ratepayer funded Tupuna Maunga Authority has started to fell hundreds of trees at Ōtāhuhu Mt Richmond maunga (volcanic cone) just because they are non-native. Around 60 were cut down in late July / early August 2023 & the Authority has stated it intends to do more felling later this year / early next year.

Local woman Shirley Waru has filed a Judicial Review claim in the High Court challenging the Authority’s plan to cut down any more exotics on the maunga & is fundraising $30,000 to help cover the legal costs. Shirley leads the Respect Mt Richmond Ōtāhuhu community group, which formed to save the trees.

The Authority originally applied for a non-notified resource consent to chop down all 443 non-native trees on Ōtāhuhu Mt Richmond but later changed it to 278 trees. We believe it’s highly likely they will apply for more tree felling resource consents in future because the Authority says it intends to fell up to 443 of the mountain’s exotic trees -nearly 75% of its entire tree cover!

The Judicial Review claim asks the High Court to “quash” (cancel) the resource consent the Council granted TMA in 2021 permitting it to fell 278 of the exotic trees. Without that resource consent, the Authority cannot cut them down. The Judicial Review claim alleges the Council acted unlawfully in granting that resource consent without first giving the public an opportunity to object or comment.

Every dollar counts so please donate to help Shirley save these beautiful trees.

Use of funds

Legal fees, to fund a Judicial Review to have the already approved resource consent set aside by the High Court, based on the precedent of Norman vs Tupuna Maunga Authority for Owairaka/Mount Albert Auckland.

Latest update

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Regarding the Appeal Tupuna Maunga Authority has initiated.  11 February 2025

Regarding the Appeal Tupuna Maunga Authority has initiated, contesting the decision by the High Court which has set aside / quashed the resource consent to clear fell 278 trees on Mount Richmond Ōtāhuhu.

This matter has been allocated a 1 day hearing before the Permanent Court by his Honour Justice Cooke.

Currently, there is no time available for this matter in 2025. Further, the 2026 roster has not yet been finalised. The court will be in touch regarding a hearing date once the 2026 roster has been finalised.

In our case a delay is not a terrible thing of course!

Our fundraising campaign will resume immediately.

The estimated cost given by our barrister for the appeal is $25,000 + gst, so we have another mountain to climb to raise this money.

I am very confident we will win, as we have the precedent from the first Judicial Review Appeal for Owairaka / Mount Albert, thanks to Averil and Warwick Norman’s successful appeal.

Thank you all for your support!

Thank you all for your continued support and contribution to cover the costs of the appeal.

Please join us on our private Facebook group respect Mount Richmond Ōtāhuhu community, anyone can join, or follow us on the respect Mount Richmond Ōtāhuhu community page where current news is shared. Our website is respectmtrichmond.org.nz

There is news on our Facebook group at present regarding walking track upgrade which is due to commence very soon, and news of some trees being felled in these works that we are unable to stop.

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Lisa on 15 Feb 2025
Thank you Shirley for enlightening me on this at Howick last Wednesday. Like you I am a big fan of trees and birds. Good luck with all your efforts. Lisa
Respect Mount Richmond Otahuhu

Thank you Lisa for your generosity, it was an enjoyable evening with you all. What an extraordinary group of women you are!

Respect Mount Richmond Otahuhu
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 13 Feb 2025
I do support the removal of some exotic pest trees but needs to be done more slowly and with greater consultation with the community. Happy to talk about it more.
Respect Mount Richmond Otahuhu

Thank you Kit for your support again, it would be great to have a walk with you at Mt Richmond when you have time. I’m always willing to learn and understand other perspectives, especially from someone as knowledgeable as you.

Respect Mount Richmond Otahuhu
Yolanda on 11 Dec 2024
Thank you Shirley for your work.
Respect Mount Richmond Otahuhu

Thank you so much Yolanda for your very generous donation! Merry Christmas from the RMR community, Ngaa mihi aroha ki a koe.

Respect Mount Richmond Otahuhu
Ed on 11 Dec 2024
Respect Mount Richmond Otahuhu

Thank you Ed for your generosity and support! Merry Christmas from the RMR community.

Respect Mount Richmond Otahuhu
Rowena on 11 Dec 2024
Praying that the trees are saved
Respect Mount Richmond Otahuhu

Thank you for your generosity and support, Merry Christmas from the RMR community

Respect Mount Richmond Otahuhu

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Respect Mount Richmond Otahuhu (Group)
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This campaign started on 2 Aug 2023 and ends on 31 Mar 2026.