To fund a defibrillator for West End Ohope to be kept outside the Ohope Beach Motel at Westend.
Ohope, Bay Of Plenty
Defibrillator's save lives.
So many people love to surf and swim at West End Ohope Beach. West End also encompasses the spectacular Ngā Tapuwae o Toi walking track and is the gate way to shelly Otarawairere Bay. Hundreds of people use West End each day over the year and many groups utilise this amazing spot for education, managing stress, promoting fitness, confidence and ultimately growing a love of the ocean.
Defibrillators are devices that restore a normal heartbeat by sending an electric pulse or shock to the heart. Defibrillators can restore the heart's beating if the heart suddenly stops. The unknown can strike us at anytime - lets be prepared.
The Rural Support Trust Bay of Plenty is working with the community to raise funds to purchase a defibrillator for West End Ohope. We are proudly supported in this endeavour by Surfing for Farmers.
The Bay of Plenty Rural Support Trust is a charitable organisation set up to work with the rural community when times are tough on the farm or in the family. They are also part of a nationwide network of rural support trusts .
Bay of Plenty Rural Support Trust
To purchase a Defibrillator for West End Ohope. A defibrillator will substantially increase a persons chance of survival if they are having a cardiac arrest.
West End Defibrillator is installed! 23 January 2024
A heartfelt thank you to the West End community and our generous donors for their support. The West End defibrillator is now installed at the West End Motel, a significant step in ensuring the safety of individuals enjoying Ohope Beach. Special gratitude to Robyn Woollsey for her dedicated efforts in making this possible.
A MASSIVE thank you to our mysterious donor who has been extremely generous. Your right! for the benefit of everyone who visits NZ Best Beach :)
Cheers Laura! much appreciated
Thank you so much Sue and Gav :)
Thank you for supporting!
Thanks Abby :)