Auckland City Council wants to destroy my best mat (Jack the Jack Russell) for being a dog
Kia Ora Everyone!
My name is Jack. I am a Jack Russell Fox Terrier mix from Auckland, New Zealand.
6 Years ago, my mum saved me from death's door. Now she has to do it all over again. You see, I had an incredibly rough start to life, until she rescued me. I spent the first 3 years wandering the streets of a rough city in NZ called Hamilton. My first family gave up looking for me and I found myself being locked up in the Hamilton pound for 16 weeks by a lady called Mary.(name changed) She apparently wanted to keep me.
Mary was then asked to move up to Auckland and manage some dog kennels in south Auckland. I don't think this was a pleasant experience for any dog. I was locked up again for another 8 weeks and I was never given the chance to socialise with the other dogs.
Mary thought I was aggressive toward other dogs and was going to put me to sleep. It's not that I was aggressive, It's just that I had been locked up for so long, I had no idea how to interact with them. The lonely years on the streets didn't help either.
I don't remember what it was that my first family did to me to make me keep running away from them, but it can't have been good.
I met my mum, Rebecca, when she was working at these kennels. I knew immediately when I saw her, I was going to be happy and adored. I wasn't wrong! I licked her and leapt all over her until she had no choice but to love me at first sight!
For many months I had been vomiting and pooping blood and I couldn't run or walk for long periods. Rebecca quickly noticed these ailments and after A LOT of scans, hospital stays and testing’s, It was discovered I have bowel and liver disease and a spinal condition from being beaten by my previous owner(s).
Mum has managed to keep these conditions at bay through raw feeding, top of the line natural probiotics and advanced cell formulas, Glucosamine supplementation and physiotherapy.
It is important for you all to know my back story, because it brings me to where we are today.
The Auckland City Council want to destroy me. Put me to sleep. All because Aucklanders have been complaining to them about me growling at their dogs after my head has been jumped on or my back has been jumped on. I was merely communicating my dislike for their actions. Much like a human would. The final straw for the council came back in may this
I was classified as a menacing dog 2 years ago. This means I have to wear a muzzle at all times when out in public. On the 25th May 2019, I was playing ball with a retriever on a beach here in Auckland called Mission Bay. I was wearing my muzzle. I have become quite good at picking the ball up by the pilled bits with my front teeth!
A woman was walking her Schnauzer, Bobby, on the foot path of the reserve which is located right next to the beach. Bobby saw me playing with this retriever and charged down the beach to join in our game.
I got such a fright because I was not expecting him to do that. I pinned him and growled at him. I know that was wrong, and when mum yelled at me, I went straight to her.
We went home and then about a week later, mum got a call from the council telling her a complaint had been made and I would be impounded and prosecuted Mum asked what they meant. She was told it meant I had a destruction order placed on me and she would be tried as a criminal. Bobby’s mum was never going to make a complaint. But council informed her that I was “well known to them” and that they “would give her 24 hours to figure out whether or not she wanted to make a statement”
The council will not listen to mum when she told them that the reserve was on leash only and the Bobby’s mum had him off lead.
I would not have got the fright I did if she had kept Bobby on a lead.
One of the reasons I am “up for destruction” is the story Bobby’s mum told council.
You see, my mum is pedantic about my health. I visit my Dr Andrew Bootle at Takanini’s Veterinary Associates about once a fortnight because mum thinks there maybe something wrong. I love her for that. And I love my new vets too. They actually care. They correctly diagnosed a lung condition I had been having for several months which my old vets could not figure out.
I digress.
Bobby’s mum told the council that all the ladies on the beach were standing around talking with the dogs playing at our feet when I apparently turned on bobby for no reason. She also explained that she had to throw her cup of coffee on me to get me to stop.
I didn’t visit Dr Andrew on the day of the alleged incident. Mum would surely have rushed me off there to be treated for burns after having hot coffee thrown on me. But I never got coffee thrown on me so I didn’t get to see Andrew that day.
Which brings me to where we are today. Mum needs a lawyer. And she has found one, but she hurt her arm really badly at work and is off work for a while and cannot afford to pay for the lawyer.
Mark Vette is New Zealand’s premier dog trainer. He wants to help. He can help. He has told mum he has had great success in working with Lawyers, courts and councils for dogs in my situation.
Hi all, Rebecca here,
Thank you so much for opening your hearts and helping me help my best friend. My wingman. My little Monkey.
I feel it is important to let you all know why I am asking for the amount of money I need.
The lawyer will cost me $3000 plus New Zealand GST (15%)
Mark Vette has told me his training will cost $6000 including administration in the form of documents to the court.
Thank you for your generosity. We are so appreciative
Please help us. I love life and I do not want to leave mum.
Every day she wakes crying and I just cuddle her because I know something is wrong.
I do not want this to be my last Christmas.
I have NEVER bitten a human (adult or child)
I have NEVER attacked. Anything
Thanks so much for your love and kindness
Kia Kaha,
Jack Maud
Legal fees
Mark Vette
Lawyer is working her magic 6 January 2020
Hannah kim, our lawyer, is currently in talks with the council to get the charge changed from "attack" to "rushing". If she is successful we can fight this senseless, heartless and cruel trial.
Thank you all again for your support. We are so grateful