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Say nothing, give a little!

$1,156 of $5,000 goal
Given by 22 generous donors in 9 weeks

We are trying to raise awareness of the impact of aphasia by asking people to do a sponsored silence. Will you help us?


June is Aphasia Awareness month. Aphasia is caused by damage to the language areas of your brain. Aphasia is a 'hidden disability' with often huge impacts on people's lives.

If you have aphasia, you may not be able to communicate in conversation, you might find that when you mean 'Yes' you actually say 'No'. You may not be able to read more than a word or two. You might not be able to write more than your name. You can feel trapped inside your head, knowing everything that goes on but unable to communicate to other people.

Even 'mild' aphasia can make conversation in a group very difficult and tiring. You can't have a good debate with someone or tell a joke easily. Texting and writing may be hard. How are you going to manage all the parts of your life that need you to have your language skills?

This Aphasia Awareness month we hope that your children or grandchildren might like to try a sponsored silence. This will help them understand a little of how challenging it is to not have words. We also hope that it might start a conversation in your family about aphasia.

You can find our sponsorship form on our website at

About us

Aphasia New Zealand (AphasiaNZ) Charitable Trust provides support, resources, practical help and information to anyone affected by aphasia in New Zealand. This includes family, friends, and those who provide care, as well as the person with aphasia.

Use of funds

Your donation will be spent on providing support, information, advice and resources to people and families/whānau affected by aphasia, and empowering people with aphasia to be part of their community.

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Latest update

Thank you for your support!  24 June 2024

Lots of people with aphasia have made videos this month to explain the impact of aphasia on their lives. You can find all these on our Aphasia Stories page of our website here

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Latest donations

Grace on 30 Jun 2024
Sponsored silence
Monique on 28 Jun 2024
This is from say nothing give a little. I think it must be hard for the people with aphasia.
Ania on 28 Jun 2024
Money raised from say nothing give a little.
Heather on 25 Jun 2024
It's an ARSE. people with aphasia are amazing. 🌟 🤩 ⭐️
Jo on 19 Jun 2024

Who's involved?

AphasiaNZ's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, AphasiaNZ (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 9 May 2024 and ended on 16 Jul 2024.