Work has begun on the new pool and splash pad to replace Scarborough paddling pool - a family favourite for everyone in Christchurch.
To make the facility we are looking for some extra fundraising to help us add the finishing touches. We need:
Seats - $9,732 (6 seats @ $1,622 each).
Pavilions - $15,440 (1 pavilion).
Landscaping - $5,725
* $2500 (125 plants at $20 each) Cordyline Australis, Griselinia Littoralis and Poa Cita.)
* $225 (3 trees at $75 each)
* $3,000 - (Hydroseed ready lawn at $10 per square metre)
We will act as a conduit for the community and external stakeholders and also supports and enable the aspirations of the community to achieve this vision.