Neil Sebastian Chua

$21,876 donated
Given by 726 generous donors in 9 weeks

Thank you for making everyone around you smile, Sebby (Neil Sebastian)!


It is with a heavy heart that I bring sad news to you that our pogi boy Sebby (Neil Sebastian Bartolome Chua) has gone away to be with our Lord Jesus that he dearly loved the night of 26th of September, 2022.

He was only 4 when he said goodbye. He couldn't wait to finally be a "big boy" once he turns 5 this coming 11th of Nov so he fought hard for almost 9 hours in the E.R. until our Heavenly Father finally gave him rest. We are yet to find out what he was courageously fighting against.

You'll know Sebby to be the jolly handsome kid that made everyone smile around him wherever he went. He was always the first one to say Hi to you, curious to know your story, never lacking confidence in bombarding you with questions like "I'm Sebby, this is my brother Sedric, what is your name? Why you are here? What you are doing? How you do that? I not know how." He'll happily say "I show you" if you wanted to know more or even if you didn't want to.

He's always smiling, always running around, and with an infectious laugh, could easily make everyone in the room laugh with him. He's scared of the Police but interestingly wants to be a Policeman too! He was full of potential. His parents gave their all to give him a brighter future, but the Lord had different plans for him.

It's been nightmarish for the Chua Family. The least we could do is to help them ease their burden financially so if you would be so good to give even just a small amount, we would greatly appreciate you.

JIL Wellington's involvement (page creator)

Church Family.

Use of funds

Funeral costs, Groceries for the Chua Family. Any remaining funds after the funeral will be given to Chua Family.

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Message from Chua Family   12 October 2022

Hello Everyone!

The past two weeks have been really hard for us. We still can't believe that our son is gone. It's difficult waking up every morning and realising that he's not here with us anymore. We really miss him. If you knew Sebby, he was always bubbly and loved connecting with people. He was full of energy, sweet, and eager to know you more. How we wish he was able to meet all of you.

We are extremely grateful for all the support you've given us. We had no idea a give-a-little page was created about my son and it’s surreal how many people have shown their support. Thanks to our churchmates from Jesus Is Lord Church Wellington, and thanks to all of you.

Just to give you an update regarding his sudden death, the Pathologist’s early opinion is: complications of streptococcus pyogenes sepsis due to tonsillitis and pharyngitis with left parapharyngeal abscess. We are still waiting for the final outcome of the autopsy which we’re told could take a while.

To my fellow parents, life is short. Please relish your time with your kids. Always hug, kiss, and say I Love You to them every morning and before they go to sleep. We did all these things to Sebby, and wish we had more time to keep doing them.

If your kid is unwell, please listen carefully and emphasize their complaints to the health care professional; never have second thoughts on asking how confident they are with their diagnosis if in doubt.

Again, my wife, Sebby’s little brother Sedric, and myself thank you all with all of our hearts.

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Guest Donor on 11 Nov 2022
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Guest Donor on 07 Nov 2022
Raj on 05 Nov 2022
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Guest Donor on 05 Nov 2022
I cried hearing about Sebby. It was painful to read, ai can’t imagine how you feel but I pray Jesus wraps his arms around your family tighter.
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Guest Donor on 31 Oct 2022

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JIL Wellington's avatar
Created by JIL Wellington (Group)
Neil Chua's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Neil Chua
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This campaign started on 27 Sep 2022 and ended on 30 Nov 2022.