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Send Vinna to School

  • Vinnas Home for Summer!

      5 January 2020
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    Happy New Years and what a great celebration we have to share with you.... in the weeks before Christmas, Vinna was given the all clear by her surgeon... He said her leg is fully healed - ie no longer broken - she has an intact femur for the first time in literally years! He said there was no sign of infection. He said she could go home! This fantastic news brought on tears of joy - best Christmas present ever!

    With such great news, Vinna said a thankful goodbye to her Vila host family, hopped on a plane with Mel (who has been her nurse in Vanuatu throughout this journey), and landed on Tanna, not just for a visit, but to return home to live with her family! I can only imagine what the last few weeks have been like for Vinna and her siblings - it's been two years since she spent a Christmas or New Years with them!

    Vinna will return to NZ in April to have the plate removed, and until then will go to school in her local village; reconnecting with her family, her home, her community and her island identity.

    I'm sure there will be highs and lows as life settles back into a normal routine. I've already heard she is missing the ocean and wants to go swimming - she loves the water so much but lives in an inland village... its not as easy as in NZ, just jumping in a car and heading to a beach or swimming pool. But she'll adjust - she's proven her resilience, courage and determination over this long journey.

    She did well at her school in Port Vila this last year and we will continue to support her with her school fees and access to education either in Tanna or Vila in the future. But for now, this growing girl deserves a well earned holiday with her family!

    We wish you a great summer as well - may it be filled with the joy and love of connection with family and friends.

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  • Vinna Settles in in Vila

      26 September 2019
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    Vinna has almost been at school in Vila for a whole term. Its been a big transition - from the little girl who had absolutely no schooling a few years ago to being thrust into schooling in a completely foreign language and environment in NZ to returning to Vanuatu and trying to match all the pieces... she is doing remarkably well and her characteristic laugh and cheeky jubilation certainly carries her through the challenges!

    Her teacher (who is actually a NZer just moved to Vila herself) reports that Vinna loves coming to school and is making steady progress. She is happy and will often laugh. She is respectful in her listening during mat times and likes to please.

    She is very keen to learn and is far more confident in her academic abilities now having been at the school a term, than when she initially arrived.

    She is slowly making friendships; with her life experience and the transitions she has gone through this has required a bit of time and learning.

    She has enjoyed gardening with the class down at the Sutters and is learning what it means to persevere to achieve a great garden.

    Her host family also highlight just how well her leg is healing - with hardly any experience of pain now. Although she works through her given exercise regime, they do note that continued physio would help strengthen her muscles on her weaker leg, but that's not easy to access in Vanuatu.

    She is also connecting with her family on Tanna often and started relearning her local language which is a significant step for her connection with her Tanna roots.

    As she has settled in with another family, school and community, it has become so evident that it takes a village to raise a child. There are so many incredible and committed people that are laying foundations that will support Vinna to heal and succeed. We are, as always, so thankful for your investment and contributing to making this journey of full recovery possible for her.



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  • Vinna Reunites with Family

      8 May 2019
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    Over the Easter period Glenys (ROMAC) and I had the experience of walking alongside Vinna as she made the journey back to her village to reconnect with her roots … her family.

    Here is Glenys beautiful description of Vinnas return to Tanna:

    "On Saturday April 29th, 2017 we were given a young small broken girl and together we have returned a strong and healthy – resilient young being.

    Two years is a long time to be disconnected from family, to trust others … strangers … to care for you… and returning was not without what we considered doubts and concerns.

    However, the most poignant moment unfolded at Whitesands airport in Tanna when Vinna’s sister Elizabeth stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Vinna in pure love and joy – a smile extended across her face as she took in her younger sister – you could see she could hardly believe her eyes … she had most likely thought she would never see Vinna again. She had genuinely missed her and had been looking forward to this day for a long time. Her mother, father, brother and cousin were also in support and equally thrilled to see her.

    This was the beginning of a welcome back that was embraced by the warmth and love of the whole village – a Grandmother and Grandfather – joyous and hugging Vinna in disbelief - and the children calling her name – she was still an integral part of the memory of this community – albeit looking a little different on her return.

    The village celebrated her return both in song and dance – firstly the men chanting and dancing, then the women surrounding the men - their song adding crescendo to the celebration. It was so heartening to see Vinna leap up and be part of this celebration alongside her blood sister and amongst her village sisters. It was clear these were her roots – she was connected in every way.

    The Chief of the village – Vinna’s uncle – opened his korero (tok tok) in his native language and then followed with a speech in faultless english expressing how grateful they were for the healing, the caring and the return of their loved one to them.

    The village offered gifts in appreciation of the work that had been done both medically and in her day to day care while in New Zealand – two live chickens, two large flax baskets of kumara and mats and baskets. These were generous offerings and this was acknowledged.

    My korero thanked them for trusting us with their daughter, thanked them for their patience in the long time that the healing had taken and to let them know that we were not quite there and that she would need to remain in Vila for the next year for regular checks ahead of the final surgery.

    I also responded to a reference to disability by encouraging them to look for the ability in each and every person and not be focussed on the disability. I pointed to Vinna’s leg and said she does not have a disability – she is a whole person with a whole lot of potential ability.

    We were then treated to some kai – generously made for the visitors – and some more personal conversation with the chief and immediate family. Over lunch the conversation also reflected further

    on the words ability and disability. There was also an opportunity to explain using the sequence of x-rays, the status of her leg and the importance of not disrupting the process of healing – reassuring those close to her that the metal plate holding her leg together would come out in about 12-months’ time.

    When it came time for me to leave for my overnight accommodation Vinna was nowhere to be seen – blending in to the myriads of small faces that made up the hope of a new generation of villagers.

    As Vinna has moved back into Ni-van life she has done so standing tall with confidence."

    What a celebration that day and the days following were! Vinna is now settled in Port Vila, awaiting the start of the new school term in 3 weeks time. We'll keep you posted

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