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Send it Packing Sammy

  • Bit of a scare but good result

      15 June 2017

    Hi everyone,

    Apologies for the delayed update. Sam had his second MRI a few weeks ago which gave us a bit of a scare showing a new mass in his sinus. After a review with the oncologist and the radiologist it was decided there was something to check out and Sam was scheduled for a trip to Hamilton for a biopsy and chemo was put on hold.

    During the procedure they found a big ball of snot which was the 'new mass'. No one has ever been so happy about a bogie! A biopsy was still taken from the tissue of interest beneath the bogie which came back non-malignant! Super relieved, chemo has resumed and we are almost happy to be back up in Hamilton getting another dose of the liquid gold.

    Another massive ‘Thank you’ to everyone for your support, kind words and helping hands. Sam has mentioned he is so stoked with all the lovely messages people have left on the give a little page - He has hours upon hours where all he can do is lie on his couch and being able to read nice things not only passes the time but really lifts his spirits and boosts the moral! So thank you very much for keeping him both entertained and best of all, positive.

    Not long to go folks! Last round will be in about 6 weeks and the last evaluation not long after with another update to follow! :)

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  • On the right track!

      17 February 2017

    Hi everyone, sorry there haven't been any updates until now, Sam had the first evaluation scan last week and thought it was best to wait until we knew how things were going before updating you all.

    First of all there are no words for the support and generosity shown through this givealittle page. I have been sitting on the couch for half an hour now and still unable to effectively put into words how grateful we are for the extraordinary donations. Big or small - they are all tremendously appreciated and have not only taken the financial strain out of the ghastly situation but the kind comments and support from all over the globe have been a massive moral support for Sam, so thank you all so very much.

    Unfortunately WINZ have not come to the party and we have not had any joy with the shitty insurance company, although Sam is continuing to explore the options.

    Now for the GOOD BIT! The recent MRI shows "no visible signs" of the "previously visible tumour" which is incredible news and obviously what we were all hoping and praying for!!!

    Despite this wonderful news the hard yards are yet to come. We are now leading into week 19 of Sam's 42 week treatment plan which has been a hellish ride for him and is unfortunately going to get worse before it gets better, he has won a battle but the war is not over. So Sammy still has a long and tough road ahead to ensure we get rid of the bugger for good and an even harder task to ensure there's no return, but with the uplifting and encouraging news knowing the liquid gold is doing its thing the next 23 weeks will hopefully be a wee bit easier. Thankfully Sammy can now have the majority of his treatment in Gisborne and is only required to travel to Hamilton every 6 weeks rather than every 3.

    Sam is extremely lucky to have such an awesome group of friends around him, I know Sam really appreciates those of you who are always visiting and calling despite Sam often feeling a bit under the weather or being in a state in which he is unable to reply, you are awesome and you know who you are :) Sam is also very lucky to work for an amazing company who are being an incredible support network. Thank you Hoags and the team at Farmers Air, Andy and Eileen for keeping his fridge (and ultimately him) organic and healthy, Andy, Rayden and Gisborne Air who have both helped substantially with Sams too-ing and fro-ing from Waikato, Debbie and Ian (our Uncle and Aunty) who gave their home freely while Sam was in Waikato, Eliza who is Sam's rock and tolerates his cheeky ways extremely well, and of course Mum and Dad who are just amazing and are at Sam's every beck n call.

    Once again thanks to each and every one of you for your incredible support!! The next update will be after the next scans which are scheduled for week 30, hopefully I'll be delivering more good news :)

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