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Please get me to the UK!!

$1,520 of $1,000 goal
Given by 28 generous donors in one year

I have Leukaemia and its been a tough year. I was born in NZ but most of my family are in the UK and I would love to spend time with my fam


I was diagnosed with Leukaemia in September 2013, and I have had some pretty hard set backs on my journey. My mum has been amazing but all of her family are in the UK so it would be amazing and healing for us both to spend time there

Latest update

Update for 12/04/2014  12 April 2014

hi there so this weekend i was meant to have a huge chemo but it has been delayed because i am neutropenic (no immune system) i have been well though so thats good being able to walk is great thanks for your support https://www.facebook.com/Specialshania

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Latest donations

Anna's mum
Anna's mum on 26 Feb 2015
Hi Shania (and Shania's family) I hope things start improving for you. My amazing daughter has been through chemo too - it can be really brutal and I hope you start feeling better very soon. Very best wishes for the remainder of your treatment.
Michelle on 14 Feb 2015
I love you babe. You are one of my favourite people. xxx
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 13 Feb 2015
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 13 Feb 2015
Jess and Pete
Jess and Pete on 15 Dec 2014
Includes money from Coral and friends x

Who's involved?

Shania Fox's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Shania Fox
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This campaign started on 13 Apr 2014 and ended on 13 Apr 2015.