Shave for Kade! Mr Wilson is getting rid of his beautiful beard to fundraise funds for Kade's whānau.
Carterton, Wellington
On the 23 March this year, Kade went to school like any normal boy on any normal day but by 10am Nat (Kade's Mum) was called by the teachers to say something wasnt right with Kade and they needed to pick him up ASAP. When they arrived at the school Kades left hand and fingers were locking up , they raced him to the Doctor to be told it was muscle spasms and to take him home. That evening they took Kade to Masterton Hospital A & E. Within Hours Nat and Kade were on the Lifeflight Air Ambulance on their way to Wellington Hospital for urgent assessment. By the time Kade left the hospital both hands and feet were now locking up and this continued to get worse when he got back home to Carterton.
Since March this has progressed significantly, Kade now has painful spasms all over his neck, back and body , numerous doctors and hospital visits have failed to find any answers and a previously outgoing boy and extremely talented motorcross rider is now relying on a wheelchair to get around. Kade hasnt been able to attend school most weeks and Jay (Kade's dad) and Nat have been unable to work as Kade needs constant supervision.
All options have been exhausted with alternative therapies, physio and specialist visits attended here in New Zealand and Australia.The family doesn't know where to turn next.
Jordy from 'Jordy's Barbers' will be clipping Kade's teacher Mr Wilson's 'Pride and Joy' off on the 30th of September in front of a live audience.
Please donate if you can.
All funds go to Nat and Jay Chapman to help cover the financial burden such as travel and living costs while they sort treatment for Kade.
Thanks heaps
Cheers guys
Thank you
Thank you so much
Thanks guys.