Shirley's burial
My name is Rochelle Beckingsale and I am Shirley Beckingsales oldest daughter. I have created this page on behalf of my family
Our mother Shirley passed away suddenly on Sunday 22nd August, at the young age of 62, as the result of complications with pneumonia. Her sudden unexpected death has left the whole family in disbelief. We are shattered beyond words and cannot comprehend how this has happened.
Over the last few days we have been inundated with love and support, not only by family and friends, but from the wider community. Many people have asked us how they can contribute to the family, we have created this page to pay for her funeral and support our family to find our new normal without any financial pressure and allow us the time to process our loss over the coming weeks while we readjust to life without our mum
We unfortunately were not prepared for any of this.
The bad thing is she can't even have the send off that she deserves.
We are her children
7k for funeral
3k for burial
1k for memorial