$1,638 donated
Given by 23 generous donors in 13 weeks

Louis will be representing New Zealand at the Paragliding World Championships (Macedonia) in August 2019. Help him get there well prepared.


Louis will represent New Zealand at the 16th FAI Paragliding World Championships in Macedonia, 5-18 August 2019 Competing at the top international level in paragliding doesn’t come cheap, and has very limited funding in NZ. So Louis’s achievements in the sport against well-funded nations, are even more impressive.

The valuable knowledge gained by Louis from active overseas competition in the last few years has been brought back to the NZ paragliding scene and shared through mentoring and competition debriefs. As an active committee member for the Southern Hang-Gliding and Paragliding Club, a competition organiser and an X-Alps supporter, he is committed to mentoring and developing other local NZ pilots.

Louis is a two time NZ Paragliding Champion and has set a number of NZ Paragliding records. He will compete in several competitions in the lead up to the World Championships. The three month focused training will help him to give it his best shot for NZ.

In the last year he has stepped up the level and can keep up with, and sometimes beat, the best in the world. See Louis after winning a Task in a recent competition in Spain:

Keeping up with well-funded international pilots is becoming increasingly difficult. Any contribution, big or small, is greatly appreciated. This helps to supply and maintain equipment, provide transport between the events and generally keep the focus on sport rather than finances.

For longer term sponsorship opportunities please contact Louis direct. This may include motivational/corporate talks, branding (wing, clothes and helmet) and video production.

Use of funds

Lead up to the world championships is expected to cost around $25,000. Fund raising will allow Louis training competitions which he'll be able to participate in, as well as enable him to focus on the flying.

Latest donations

Chris and Elisabet Streat
Chris and Elisabet Streat on 27 Sep 2019
Thanks for taking my whole family and me tandem
Nick on 19 Aug 2019
might try to bum some free accom out of this at some stage ;) (oh, I already have?)
Karen on 17 Aug 2019
Go Loui Go!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 17 Aug 2019
Have fun flying and always safe landing!
Kristina on 07 Aug 2019

Who's involved?

Louis Tapper's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Louis Tapper
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This campaign started on 27 Jul 2019 and ended on 26 Oct 2019.