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Silver Fern memorial

$565 donated
Given by 7 generous donors in around 7 months

A Silver Fern memorial in Israel for New Zealand soldiers who fought in WW1.


Do you have family that served in WW1? We need your help and anyone else who feels moved.

We are erecting a memorial, to replace the one that has decayed over time, in Israel where the battle of Ayun Kara took place. This is to commemorate the 18,000 New Zealanders who served in the Mounted Rifle Brigade.

This was a significant battle for NZ, and while it was deemed a success there was still loss of 53 New Zealand soldiers and injury to many others.

Please watch the video below for the full story.

Use of funds

Building a Silver Fern sculpture and erecting it In israel.

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Latest update

We still need help  11 April 2023

Everyone’s help has been amazing but we do still need help, the project is going well and we can’t wait to see this memorial representing our list soldiers

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Latest donations

felicity on 26 Apr 2023
Tauranga RSA
Tauranga RSA on 17 Apr 2023
Bowen on 20 Dec 2022
Jess on 16 Dec 2022
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Dec 2022
Very worthy cause and without government help

Who's involved?

New Zealand Israel friendship association's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, New Zealand Israel friendship association (Group)
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This campaign started on 16 Dec 2022 and ended on 1 Jul 2023.