Simba's cremation

$1,345 of $400 goal
Given by 67 generous donors in 7 days

This page is for raising money to get our boy cremated as we financially can't afford it


Simba went missing almost 3 weeks ago on the 19th of February from Pukekohe. Two days ago on the 4th of March we found him down at the creek in the water. After someone had complained about a bad smell near her house to the council. Sure enough we had found Simba's body lying in the water with NO HEAD, cuts on his body and fur missing... We have confirmation from the head director of Franklin Vets that he was murdered. No one deserves this sort of pain we are experiencing right now, all we want is to have our boy Simba back with us but we are unable to pay for his cremation ourselves.

Katiana Ritchie's involvement (page creator)

An empathetic friend

Use of funds

The money will be used to pay for Simba's cremation which will be $400, if they reach their goal they will put the rest on to Simbas sister to get her registered, microchipped and get fully vaccinated.

Latest update

Payee change  27 March 2020

Just here to inform everyone that I (the page creator) will now be the payee. Due to Simba's owners not having appropriate ID to be able to receive funds. The money will be put into my bank account then I will be transferring the money into the owner's account.

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Latest donations

Lee on 11 Mar 2020
Donating again. Love & blessings x
Lee on 10 Mar 2020
Love & light to your family during this difficult time. As a dog owner with the same breed as your beloved Simba, my heart aches for you all. From my family to yours. Blessings x
Mandy Ng
Mandy Ng on 10 Mar 2020
I'm so terribly sorry to hear such a horrific story. I know what it's like to lose your fur baby as I've experienced it myself. Stay strong and know that the love and support you get from us will carry you through such difficult time!
Joanna on 10 Mar 2020
Terribly sorry for your loss. Can't imagine how much pain you are suffering now. RIP poor Simba. :-(
Becky on 10 Mar 2020
Hearing the news about this gorgeous boy was SO heart breaking, I have two baby’s like Simba and I can’t even imagine what you are feeling. RIP Simba ❤️ Thinking of the family

Who's involved?

Katiana Ritchie's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Katiana Ritchie on behalf of Hera Ratahi
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This campaign started on 6 Mar 2020 and ended on 13 Mar 2020.