We discovered & befriended Sky living in a cage at the bottom of the garden. She was given to us so that we may give her a better life.
🐾🐾🐾 Introducing Sky! 🐾🐾🐾
We first saw Sky a few weeks ago while out bike riding. Every day we would stop to say hello to this mucky dog in her cage at the bottom of the garden.
After a couple weeks had past we met a lady from the house above, “her name is Sky”. Over the next couple of weeks we learned that she had been in this cage for over a year. We had to do something for her!
A few days ago we went and visited her, took some raw bones for her and spent time just sitting with her. The next day the padlock was removed for us and we were able to take her out, chain her to a tree & watch her roll around in grass. We cleaned all her muck out of the cage & lay down sawdust for her.
We spoke to the owners and although they initially didn’t want us to take her after a couple more days they agreed she deserved a better life.
Yesterday we took her for a walk, she quickly learned (or remembered) her manners and we didn’t have it within us to put her back in that cage for another cold night. So, she came home with us, had a good scrub in the shower, spent the evening at our feet & the night in front of the fire!
We have rescued her, plan to retrain her to be a family member, & then re-home her (if we can bring ourselves to it).
We need some help to get her comfortable! The normal bowl, collar (hers is very smelly), lead & food to get started of course. However, she also needs de-sexing, immunising & registering.
We’re setting up a givealittle page for her in the hope that our friends, & their friends, will offer a couple of dollars toward giving Sky a better life.
We discovered a dog living in her own muck a few weeks ago and have been feeding & visiting her. Her owners relinquished her to us with many needs, vet care & registration which we need help with financially.
Vet care, appropriate recovery food, registration & de-sexing.
Surgery complete... 1 July 2020
Today Skye visited CareVets at Rototuna, they think she’s beautiful too!!! Her surgery was successful, immunisations done and now she’s recovering back at home on her blanket. She’ll have pain relief meds for four days, however she’ll be back to normal tomorrow! We look forward to that, she’s pretty subdued and just resting quietly at the moment.
We got her a new collar & lead of her isn while we were there today, she’s going pink & grey! Thanks for all your support, kindness & care!!! ~ G&S
🤣🤣🤣 Clasby!!!
Thank you so much Sue!!! I hope you are both well! ~ 🐾🐾🐾
Thank you so much Maggie!!! 🐾🐾🐾
Thanks for your help Jody!!! 🐾🐾🐾