Small community initiative in need of new home.

$225 donated
Given by 8 generous donors in around 3 months

We need a new home for our vending initiative, which is important to us and the community as it supplies heavily discounted sanitary items.


Hi, we are KZVending. Earlier this year my partner and I

began a small operation in a garage on Wallace Street, in

Wellington. This site featured 4 vending machines that

between them supply tampons and sanitary pads for 10

cents each, free condoms, $1.50 espresso coffees and

affordable snacks and cold drink.

We have a simple vision with this initiative: non-binary, trans

people and women who menstruate do not have a choice in

whether or not they have their period. So why do they have

to buy essential sanitary items at a price that suggests they’re

more of a “luxury” item? We wanted to make these products

more affordable for them.

The money made from the drinks, coffee and snacks is used

to ensure that all sanitary items available from this site can

be priced at 10 cents, meaning that anyone caught

unexpectedly, or anyone feeling at risk of social stigma

because of their need, can visit this site for their needs.

Additionally, the vending machine that dispenses the sanitary

items works on a pay-it-forward basis. This means that

anyone can put money into the machine to top up its credit,

allowing the next person to take a tampon or pad in their

time of need completely free of charge.

Sadly, we have recently lost the use of our vending site and

are looking for a new location in Wellington so we can carry

on helping the community and growing our initiative.

Our previous site was near not only Massey University, but

also Wellington High School and several other campuses. We

are aware that the students attending these institutions, as

well as the homeless nearby (we were just down the road

from City Mission), were genuinely grateful for the presence

of this facility.

We are hoping to find a new site in a similar location so we

can get this initiative out to as many people as possible. Any

funds we can raise would greatly help us in finding a new

site. It would help us to increase the scope of our search and

offer bond to any potential landlord, as well as help cover the

cost of moving the machines to the new site and setting up

power, lighting and security within the site.

If you would like to see our previous site or learn more about what this initiative is about please visit our Facebook page

Please note we have another Givealittle page here:

Use of funds

Funds would be used for any bond asked for a new site as well as initial rent, the cost of moving the vending machines to the site as well as setting up lighting and security within the site.

Other page links

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Latest donations

Aidan on 09 Sep 2019
Sidney on 04 Sep 2019
What you guys are doing is so great!!!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Sep 2019
Heard you interview told my partner and so we wish you and your company all the best! Go well
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Sep 2019
What a great initiative, Wellington needs more people like you!
Cathy on 02 Sep 2019
Just heard you on Jesse's show-fantastic initiative-as a nurse I really support what you are doing! :)

Who's involved?

Tom de Wilde's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Tom de Wilde on behalf of KZ VENDING
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This campaign started on 28 Aug 2019 and ended on 28 Nov 2019.