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Snoopy's surgery help needed (operation 1 failed, now 2nd op booked

  • Closed page, snoopy op update

      6 November 2022
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    Home n bed rest, is doing really good...

    Didn't make enough for payment to vets, but have a payment scheme in place . We thank you to those that helped by donating, , it all helped and we appreciate the little we did get...

    Snoopy is hating bed rest, but overall will be fine , just recovery/ rest time now...

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  • Yayyy we getting better...check up today 1/11

      1 November 2022

    Vet check very good...

    Now been told can let snoopy have time out of cage, no collar unless munches on stitches.... Cage at night tho

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  • He's he grumpy with a sexy collar...

      28 October 2022
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    Has come home, eaten, n now wants out...

    All went good, now healing time....

    Appreciate everyone who has donated, I hate asking...

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  • 27/10 /22. Successful op number 2 for snoopy...

      27 October 2022

    Has had operation, very pleased with progress supposedly...

    Home 28/10. So will do pics n more updates from there... Now to cry over the bill when they break news to

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  • Snoopy's hip has popped out again

      20 October 2022

    So vet check up n not looking good...

    Supposedly hip popped out. Again so more x rays tomorrow...

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  • Day 5 ( Snoopy's progress )

      18 October 2022
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    Vet check thurs 20/10

    Doesn't like cage so now goes n curls up with daughter...trys to go outside but not allowed... Roams house all hrs but that's ok...

    He appreciates all the love n attention he's getting....

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