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Jade's Songs

on 12 Aug 2018

Norman asks

Hey whats up im jade howards.oldest body told me about this give a little thing form sparksfoundations.

This question has not been answered yet.

on 1 Dec 2016

Jin asks

Hi Sandy,

Im an audio engineer and Ive spoken with a few other engineers who would be keen to help you guys out, does Jade have a song/track in mind that she'd like to record?


I'm sorry to take so long to get back to you. The family and I are so excited about your kind offer to help. Jade however is now very nervous because she hears how much her voice has changed in recent weeks - but she'll get through it. How would we go about getting in contact with you to talk about a song? Or you contacting us? Sandy 021914888

Sandy Kerr

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