South African combat rifle champs, lets get NZ 1 to the shoot

$840 of $8,000 goal
Given by 12 generous donors in around 3 months

Get New Zealand champ to south Africa champs.


Hi friends, family, colleagues and complete strangers,

I have been selected to represent New Zealand as part of a team going to South Africa combat rifle champs at the Genl De Wet shooting range in Bloemfontien in 2018.

As our shooting sport is small, we get very little funding and it is on us to come up with the rest. with training and going to the shoot total cost are around 7500.00 which includes airfares, accommodation, hire car etc.

Having a young family (twin boys) makes it harder to come up with the required money for the trip. training costs alone come to around $1500.As the only shooter from wellington finding funding is hard for individuals.

I am this years NZ champ for service rifle shooting and have won the belt 3 times before.

I would applicate any help to get there as I want to represent New Zealand at this level and do well.

Use of funds

fund will be used for the trip, training. any extra will go towards the teams next trip.

Latest update

All done, 3rd over all  5 September 2018


Back from south Africa, with a 3rd place overall out of 271 shooters, vert pleased with the result.

I would like to thank everyone for your support , it was greatly appreciated. Looking to go back in 2 years time.

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Latest donations

Rick Henderson
Rick Henderson on 18 Jul 2018
Mayor Wayne Guppy
Mayor Wayne Guppy on 14 Jun 2018
Good luck Jason, I'm sure you will do well. Look forward to hearing how you go when you get back. Cheers Wayne.
Darcy Pene
Darcy Pene on 08 Jun 2018
Stephan Neff
Stephan Neff on 29 May 2018
Make us proud man!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 May 2018
Hello Jason, Good luck and best wishes. Regards, Don & Glenda (retired CNIGC members)

Who's involved?

jason davis's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, jason davis
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This campaign started on 29 May 2018 and ended on 29 Aug 2018.