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South Brazil Floods "Worst in 80 years"

  • Lets try to reach the $3k GOAL

      10 June 2024

    Hi team

    Because we have not received any donations for few days Im just trying to reach a goal of $3k to close this page to send your donations over to those who are still needing our help and support.

    Please share this page with your mates and family.

    Any amount will be greatly appreciated. Remember NZ$1 converts to $3.23 Brasilian today's currency

    Share and donate

    Thanks from the bottom of our hearts for your donations. WE will be forever grateful.

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  • Update

      30 May 2024

    Hey team

    We are still working on social media and hoping for further donations to raise money to support South Brazil. I kindly ask you all to share this page with family and friends. Remember ANY AMOUNT would be greatly appreciated.

    $1 you give will be converted to $3 they will be receiving so please please help us.

    Here is an update of number and what it is still going on in South Brazil:

    The number of affected people remains at 2.3 million, but the death toll has risen to 169, with 56 still missing. Approximately 200,000 houses are affected, leaving 600,000 people displaced, more than 56,000 in shelters and an unknown number of people staying with friends & families. The commercial and industrial sectors are also affected, with 90 per cent suffering partial or total losses.

    At least 64 points located in 36 roads are still damaged or blocked, disrupting supply transport and causing significant delays. Temporary bridges and walkways were destroyed again, isolating communities. Some 381,000 students and 1,066 schools are affected, with 570 schools damaged or at risk. The Ministry of Education estimates that 87,000 students have no return date to classes, and 54 schools are still used as shelters.

    Authorities are also concerned about the spread of diseases like leptospirosis, with a rapid increase of confirmed cases and more than 1,000 additional unconfirmed cases reported.

    Thank you all for your donations. It means the world to us and all affected people.

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  • Our Givealittle Page made the News

      15 May 2024

    Hey everyone I just wanna give you an update on what has been happening lately. Firstly I wanna say I have been working constantly and tirelessly behind the scenes to expose our Givealittle Page as far as I can to get further donations to support the victims. Some good news, our Givealittle has made the news. I feel extremely grateful for that as I believe we will be able to reach out people who are not aware of this disaster but also people who may want to join us in this journey.

    Sunlive, Bay of Plenty Times and NZHearld have published an article about this horrific situation. Please share it either through my page on Instagram @gabiwoodtauranga or through their websites. Today is day 14 since South Brazil was hit by this catastrophic event. The water is still high and rising in many of affected cities and suburbs which makes very difficult to provide food or rescue those who are still waiting.

    We have so far reached over 40 donations. Great work team!!! Forever grateful!!! Massive thank you all.

    Here are some numbers to keep you update:

    447 affected cities

    147 deaths

    80.826 people relocated to shelters

    538.241 have been evacuated to other homes or temporary accommodations

    2.115.703 affected people

    Please keep up sharing, donating and praying for those victims. Little, big, any amount will be greatly appreciated and it will make a huge difference. Please remember NZ$1 will be $3 Brazilian Currency.

    "Nobody can help everyone but every one of us can help somebody"

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