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Justice denied! But we are not giving up the fight for human rights for all New Zealanders.

  • Changed Our Fundraising Goal To Reflect a Change In Strategy

      27 September 2024

    We have change our fundraising goal because we are not going to the Supreme Court. So we need to pay our remaining legal bill and move onto the new strategy.

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  • The Battle Is Over (But The War Goes On)

      27 September 2024
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    We still need your help. The famous blues song "The Battle Is Over (But The War Goes On)" was written and performed by Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee. Our legal battle on this specific case is over. We need to raise a final $6,000 to pay off commitments.

    But the war goes on. We have a four pronged strategy; seek further advice on a possible clear cut legal case about due process, gather damning evidence for a proposed documentary, lobby politicians for a political solution and prepare a strong submission to Phase 2 Independent Covid Inquiry.

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  • Teachers’ Leave To Appeal To The Supreme Court Dismissed But Stand For Bill Of Rights Continues

      31 July 2024

    The NZTSOS application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of New Zealand has been dismissed.

    We have now exhausted all avenues, in relation to these proceedings, to protect the New Zealand Bill of Rights from being overridden by future politicians.

    Please see the press release here:

    Now that this proceeding has run its course NZTSOS is likely to turn its energy to the second phase of the Royal Commission of inquiry into the pandemic response.

    We want to thank our legal counsel Frontline Law and all our supporters for the work that they have done. Nothing has been wasted and we are satisfied that we have pursued all legal avenues to have this wrong righted. Any remaining funds will be left to pursue this direction.

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  • Drs Town and Bloomfield misled the Courts by cherry picking data!

      17 June 2024

    The counsel for the Crown have requested an extension until 1 July to respond to our submission because we have submitted that their evidence mislead the High Court. They need to discuss the application with their witnesses who in turn need to retrieve material from 2022. Their witness Dr Town has been overseas and only recently returned to the country.

    In short, our position is Drs Town and Bloomfield misled the High Court by omitting to tell the court that they knew that the Secondary Attack Rate (i.e. transmission) of the Delta Variant in NZ schools was incredibly low (0.1%).

    We wait now for the Crown's response and then the Court's decision as to whether to hear the appeal.

    Mike Shaw

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  • Second goal achieved! Final submissions filed to Supreme Court

      29 May 2024
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    Dear supporters,

    Our second goal has been achieved! We’ve lodged the application for leave of appeal. Now our final submissions have been filed to Supreme Court as of May 23. Now the Crown has 20 working days from that time to submit any objections to the appeal. Then the Supreme Court will decide whether they will hear the appeal. Experience has taught us they will take as long as they like to make that decision.

    In the meantime our volunteer research team is working behind the scenes compiling information for our legal team to use in court when/if we get there. We need to be ready to go Court so please keep sharing what we are doing and financial support the cause!

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