Special Olympics NZ Soccer Coach to represent New Zealand in World Games Berlin, June-2023.

$1,555 of $5,000 goal
Given by 16 generous donors in around 4 months

Supporting Ryan to assist Special Olympics NZ Soccer Team in fulfilling their World Games Dream.


Meet Ryan, a dedicated football coach from Auckland who has been selected to coach New Zealand Team at the upcoming Special Olympics World Summer Games in Berlin.

To read more about Ryan, click the link below


As a volunteer, Ryan is taking time off work to represent his country and to provide athletes with intellectual disabilities the opportunity to showcase their talents on the world stage. However, this means he will be unable to earn an income during this time. That's why Ryan is in need of financial support to cover his expenses while he is away. Your donation will not only help Ryan attend the games, but it will also help support his commitment to making a difference in the lives of these athletes. By donating to Ryan's campaign, you can help ensure that he can continue to make a positive impact in the world of sports and beyond. Let's make Ryan's journey to Berlin a reality!

Use of funds

While coaching the NZ Team donations will be used to cover Coach's living expenses in NZ and Overseas during the no-income period.

Latest donations

Netlogix on 14 Jun 2023
Thank you Ryan for your amazing generosity and dedication. All the very best to you and the team in Berlin.
Davidda on 07 Jun 2023
So incredible! Have the best time 🤗
Ryan Ziad

Shot! Thanks Davidda

Ryan Ziad
Carlene on 03 May 2023
Ryan Ziad

Thanks, Carlene.

Ryan Ziad
Brendon on 13 Apr 2023
Go Well - Football is life!
Ryan Ziad

Indeed! Thanks Brendon

Ryan Ziad
Farzana on 12 Apr 2023
Ryan Ziad

Thank You Farzana

Ryan Ziad

Who's involved?

Ryan Ziad's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Ryan Ziad
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This campaign started on 5 Mar 2023 and ended on 30 Jun 2023.