Stacey Wall's Plight

$450 of $80,000 goal
Given by 5 generous donors in around 3 months

Stacey is a valued member of our community and I don't want to see her lose her house, as well as her health.

Bay of Plenty

Stacey is a vibrant young woman (44 years old), who was so excited to be moving into Little Waihi, Maketu - Bay of Plenty. She is a keen gardener and has artistic flair and became an active member of Little Waihi Residents Committee. Today, Stacey is not so vibrant. She suffers from fibromyalgia (chronic pain), fatigue, hypoglycaemia ( jittery, shaky,weakness episodes), cognitive function disorder and subject to ongoing seizures. Stacey had a high paying job where she could manage her living expenses comfortably. Now, Stacey is on a medical benefit and has applied to withdraw her Kiwi Saver on hardship grounds ( March 2018) to pay her immediate debts, which includes paying interest on her home loan (excludes principal payments), arrears on the leasehold land her house is on and living expenses. Stacey approached Tauranga Budgetary Advisory Services in July 2017 and even though she was committed to following their advice, Stacey went further into debt. When Stacey told me about her medical and financial situation, (with Stacey's permission) - I discussed it at the Residents meeting (Sunday 18 Feb 2018) . A member responded - launch a 'GiveaLittle' Campaign. Stacey currently owes $55,060.00 on her mortgage and $27,805.30 on her immediate debts. In total the target amount I'm looking to crowdsource is $80,000.00. Leaving her Kiwi Saver to cover her mounting medical bills. Stacey expects the bank to foreclose on her house June 14 2018. I am in no way related to Stacey, except we share a deep love for Little Waihi and the community. The village is very focussed on Tikanga and its principles - Kotahitanga (unites us to help one of our own in the community), Manaakitanga (to strengthen and lift her up), Whanaungatanga ( Stacey knows that she is not alone). Heartfelt thanks to Spark Foundation and 'GiveaLittle' for helping us address Stacey's Plight.

Christine Willis' involvement (page creator)

Stacey is a member of our village. Due to her illness, she has fallen into debt and is likely to lose her house June 2018. This is an example of kotahitanga (unites us to help one of our own in the village).

Use of funds

$55,060 - Mortgage.

$27,805 - Immediate debt.

Surplus - to go back to Spark Foundation.

If things don't go to plan - the money received will go direct to the mortgage.

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 08 Apr 2018
Christine Willis

Morena Angela Thank you very much for your kind gift. It's people like you that make this world a better place to live in. Naku noa na Christine

Christine Willis
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 08 Apr 2018
Hope all goes well for you stacey
Christine Willis

Leeanne - your generosity in gifting Stacey is very humbling. Bless you for your kind help. Kind regards from Christine Willis.

Christine Willis
Sharon Prujean
Sharon Prujean on 08 Apr 2018
Good Luck
Christine Willis

Many thanks for your kind gift Sharon. This will help Stacey immensely.

Christine Willis
Kim on 03 Apr 2018
I dont have much, but I really do hope this helps ❤
Christine Willis

Kim, Stacey and I are so grateful for your generous gift. Believe me, this will help Stacey immensely. We sincerely thank you for your kindness and your help. Grateful thanks, Christine Willis.

Christine Willis
Lyds on 01 Apr 2018
Let’s get this ball rolling Stace!! You’re awesome!
Christine Willis

Thank you very much Lydia. This is such an awesome response.Stacey is very humbled by your kind generosity and your kind words. Bless you for helping Stacey. Kind regards Christine Willis

Christine Willis

Who's involved?

Christine Willis's avatar
Created by Christine Willis
Stacey Jan Walls's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Stacey Jan Walls
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This campaign started on 1 Apr 2018 and ended on 1 Jul 2018.