Standing with Sarah for the climate

$4,125 of $5,000 goal
Given by 37 generous donors in around 5 months

Sarah Thomson took the government to court, challenging their inadequate climate change targets. Please help with her hearing costs.


Sarah's case was heard in June 2017 in the Wellington High Court where she was ably represented by Auckland lawyer, Davey Salmon supported by his team. Leading climate scientists submitted in support. Justice Mallon reserved her decision to a later date.

Sarah's lawyers generously donated their considerable skills and their time to the case but money is needed for the associated costs of the hearing. Our previous Givealittle page raised $10,430 towards the hearing costs but as the final costs totalled almost $15,000 we have created this page to raise the remaining $5000 needed.

Sarah is an impressive young woman who is carrying the torch for the next generation by her bold action.

If you feel strongly about the need for action on climate change, supporting Sarah's ground-breaking court action is a practical way to contribute to change.

Daphne Bell's involvement (page creator)

I am part of the Waikato Climate Action Group to which Sarah has contributed considerably. The Givealittle page enables us to give practical support for her courageous legal action.

Use of funds

Funds raised will be used to cover the remainder of the hearing costs: filing fees, travel, accommodation, couriers and photocopying. Donations will be paid to Sarah from a solicitor's trust account.

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Latest update

Case closed but the work continues   19 July 2018

Our thanks go to Sarah Thompson for her courage in taking the government to court in 2017 and to those who supported her to do so; and to all the generous and thoughtful donors who helped cover her legal costs. A special thank you to the recent donor whose gift of $1,000 covered the remaining legal costs.

Most of all we are indebted to lawyer Davey Salmon for his principled, able and eloquent advocacy in the High Court. Without him and his team from Lee Salmon Long this legal challenge to the previous government's climate change targets would not have been possible. All gave generously of their time, expertise and research skills over many months.

Our thanks also to Francis McEntee of lawyers, Chellew Stainton for handling Sarah's trust account for the Givealittle campaign.

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Latest donations

Sue Boyde
Sue Boyde on 31 Dec 2017
Daphne Bell

Many thanks for your timely and thoughtful donation to the hearing costs for Sarah. Much appreciated!

Daphne Bell
Kate Jensen
Kate Jensen on 31 Dec 2017
Thank you for standing up for our world
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 31 Dec 2017
Kelli p
Kelli p on 30 Dec 2017
Daphne Bell

Many thanks for your support which is much appreciated. It is good to know that there are so many thoughtful and generous people.

Daphne Bell
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Dec 2017

Who's involved?

Daphne Bell's avatar
Created by Daphne Bell
Francis McEntee (Solicitor Stainton & Chelle)'s avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Francis McEntee (Solicitor Stainton & Chelle) on behalf of Sarah Lorraine Thomson
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This campaign started on 10 Aug 2017 and ended on 31 Dec 2017.