Stevies scary hospital visit.

$3,451 donated
Given by 79 generous donors in 2 days

please help us.


I took my 3 year old daughter to the hospital for what I thought might be internal bleeding but wasn't sure why. the doctors took in her right away as it was a super strange symptom to have. the doctors ran some blood tests and diagnosed my sweet girl with a super rare blood disorder called factor 5 deficiency which means she lacks something in her blood meaning she can not clot her blood normally. the reason I'm asking for donations is because their father has had to take a week off work to look after our 2 year old son. the kids dad doesn't have leave at work due to our son having achondroplasia (dwarfism), having complications at birth and being in and out of hospital his whole life. I'm sorry for the sob story. but so close to chrismas we are struggling to pay bills.

Use of funds

pay bills,gas costs, hospital parking costs.

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Latest donations

Leigh 1 hour ago
Fayth Rasmussen

thank you so much Leigh ❤️ I appreciate your generosity❤️

Fayth Rasmussen
Katie 3 hours ago
Thinking of you guys! Stevie-Rae is always such a happy wee thing at daycare and always says hello. Big hugs - Sophie, Katie and Jason
Fayth Rasmussen

thank you so much Katie,Jason and Sophie 💓 💓 we hope you had a fabulous Christmas💓

Fayth Rasmussen
Priyanka 6 hours ago
Hope Stevie feels better soon and wish you a good new year!
Fayth Rasmussen

thank you so much🥰

Fayth Rasmussen
Jan & Barbara
Jan & Barbara 16 hours ago
Fayth Rasmussen

thank you so much truly. I am so grateful❤️ it means the world. merry Christmas

Fayth Rasmussen
Guest Donor
Guest Donor 16 hours ago
Fayth Rasmussen

thank you so much for your generosity❤️ we truly appreciate it😭 merry Christmas❤️

Fayth Rasmussen

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Fayth Rasmussen
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This campaign started on 23 Dec 2024 and ends on 13 Jan 2025.