Between a Stone and a Hard Place.

$1,925 of $10,000 goal
Given by 15 generous donors in around 3 months

Naama owns a small panel beating workshop that had all its tools stolen over lockdown. Your donations will help start his business afresh.


The Covid-19 lockdown has been a difficult time for all of us. This is even more true for my uncle Naama (or Stone as we call him). He is the owner of a small panel beating and car grooming workshop that was broken into over lockdown. Tools and equipment in the workshop were stolen with damage also being sustained to the workshop itself.

Naama is a hardworking father of five who’s dreams first came true when he was able to open a very small business he could call his own with just the $300 in his pocket. After losing his tools and equipment however, he is unable to make a living and provide for his family.

We hope that through your donations you can help us purchase new tools and rebuild the dream of a man with a big heart and an even bigger stomach.

Fiti Taefu's involvement (page creator)

I am Naama's niece, just wanting to help build up my uncle's life again so he can build his business back up.

Use of funds

Any and all donations will be used to purchase new tools. If we exceed our target we'll donate the excess to Wellington City Mission.

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Latest donations

Lupematasila & Meafou
Lupematasila & Meafou on 19 Jul 2020
Our beautiful brother. We hope this small donation contributes to the greatness destined for you and the family. Continue to grow and be amazing! We love you. Lupematasila, Meafou & family. ❤️Especially your favourite Ana/Jef & neices Ana Jnr & Hevani.
Suzanne Simealai Saleupolu-Malaesilia
Suzanne Simealai Saleupolu-Malaesilia on 19 Jul 2020
Love you family
Farani on 19 Jun 2020
All is well uso
Min-Jeong on 09 Jun 2020
Ursula on 08 Jun 2020
God bless you uncle and family x Le alofa aku o’u makua ❤️

Who's involved?

Fiti Taefu's avatar
Created by Fiti Taefu
Naama Maatulua Saleupolu's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Naama Maatulua Saleupolu
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This campaign started on 7 Jun 2020 and ended on 7 Sep 2020.