Health supplement for smokers

$60 donated
Given by 2 generous donors in over a year

This is a new fresh product, so please help people have a chance to stop smoking. You can drive with children and be safe


I have never smoked, one thing I know about cigarettes is this, they are the only fully legal suicide assitstance devices, because if you use them correctly, as designed, THEY WILL KILL YOU

I have an item which will help people to stop. I have lost many loved ones due to smoking and sadly smoked to the last breath of the precious cigarette.

How does our society allow this, my stop pop will give a regulated amount of nicotine without particulates of smoke, and will be legal to use anywhere.

Its is a lolly with infused flavoured nicotine. Similar to lollies, some will be button like and gummy bears, but depending on the design, in a foil blister pack.

People will be more productive at work and in better health, best of all they can be used around children, in bars, public areas, no smoke or particulates to create problems and smell

Less than the cost of a packet of cigarettes with the equivalent nicotine in each piece.

We will produce and do voluntary tests for feed back, but so if you want to help be a sampler, then you let us know. We will also provide you with a batch you can use for free.

The law has now changed and you will get a $50 fine, if you smoke in a car with a child, So come on NZ let's do it. Save money and your health, which is priceless.

Fully made in NZ by NZ for NZ

Use of funds

to design, manufacture, eventually publicity, promotion, distribution.

Parts to make the pop may need to be out sourced, but I fully to do everything in NZ from start to supply eventually globally

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Latest update

Health supplement  11 June 2020

I have been very busy, by law this is a supplement, this is advice directly from Medsafe, the pharmaceutical regulators as well as a Major NZ Company specializing in this field.

Thank you to the donars thus far $60, that is fantastic, thank you

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Latest donations

Jeremy on 10 Jun 2020
This has literally saved my life ! I will be forever grateful I am now 30 days smoke free !! It’s a freakin miracle!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Jun 2020

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Intuitive Physics Ltd (Business)
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This campaign started on 26 May 2020 and ended on 25 May 2022.