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Te Whare o te Kaitiaki Ngahere [Guardians of the Forest] stop 1080 Court fund

on 6 Dec 2015

Frida asks

Also, I took out an enforcement order over a dairy conversion of 30 ha of indigenous kahikatea peat wetland a couple of years ago but it was very unsatisfactory in the end. The council participated as party to proceedings but it ended being business as usual for WCRC (a defended hearing was sidelined at the last moment through complete compliance by the farmer - his style, where fences were being moved to his satisfaction and all sorts of other grey areas). We shouldn't have to be investing our own money, time and angst in stuff that is the regional council's duty. It WAS F&B's fight for the Denniston Plateau though that prompted the huge change of direction manifested in the proposed regional policy statement.

Te Whare o te Kaitiaki Ngahere [Guardians of the Forest]

We are asking for a Declaration that their activities are obnoxious, dangerous, offensive and objectionable under the RMA. Once we have this Declaration from the Judge we can apply to have the Resource Consents reviewed and revoked and then other court actions may be taken.

Te Whare o te Kaitiaki Ngahere [Guardians of the Forest]
on 6 Dec 2015

Frida asks

Hi There, I am surprised that the Court asked for an indemnity of $25,000 for a Declaration when you are an incorp soc,usually incorp socs can't be sued. I am in the process of finalising a declaration application to the Court concerning WCRC's failure to monitor and enforce consent conditions for gravel extaction on west coast rivers. A friend of mine is in the process of taking out an enforcement order against gold miners. Shouldn't all this be ringing alarm bells to the Court AND the minister of local govt that all is very ill concerning the WCRC and its adherence to THE RMA, including is so blatantly pro-development proposed regional policy statement. Also, are you taking out enforcement orders concomitant with your declaration? This is a requisite for my declaration.

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