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Sunny Ray is making an Album

$1,494 of $4,000 goal
Given by 50 generous donors in around 4 months

I want to make music with all my heart and soul. This is the time. I want to put it on record. Calling for your support to co-create it!


I was born with the name Sundara. I was born with a vision of beauty and love. I found a voice that made a difference. You listened. I believe in the dream of shining like the sun. You called me Sunny Ray. I have magic for you to hear. Are you ready. If you are just say Yes! Invest. Invest in my vision, invest in our future. The music is medicine. Heart medicine, soul medicine. I am making an album, I need your help to bring it full circle and get out out to the people. Here is where we can create together to make a difference. Join me. Gratitude for your generosity. Continue with excitement! Good things are on their way!

FREE DOWNLOADS will be available for a limited time, when the album is released :)

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New Album "Of Womb and Will" FREE TO DOWNLOAD  26 December 2016

Adorable blissful beings who are gracing the wonderful world. Huge thanks for your kind donations making this project a little easier to bring together.

On this day of giving, sharing and receiving, I have a gift for you. May your receiving be joyous and fill you with golden love, light and goodness. A brave and beautiful journey we are all on. A grand adventure of life. Let us celebrate the magicality of all our elements in their alchemy. The paradox of our endless capacities. We are always evolving and transforming. We are creating and becoming.

As this album multiplies and weaves its way through the whole world, we begin a ride together, to change the world with vision and joy. It has been a big journey for me to make this album real. A dream come true. Thank you again deeply with gratitude. Your support keeps my light shining.

This Album is now yours for Free and for sharing!


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Latest donations

Ruby on 29 Dec 2016
I love the way your music makes me feel Sunny!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Dec 2016
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 03 Dec 2016
Holly Farnan
Holly Farnan on 02 Dec 2016
Hope you reach your target sister! Never stop believing in what you love, you have the most amazing voice and may we meet again someday ??
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 Nov 2016
Best of luck with the album, Sunny! You go girl!!! Love from Dargz

Who's involved?

Anita Sundara Kappes's avatar
Created by Sunny Ray, paying to a verified bank account of Anita Sundara Kappes
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This campaign started on 12 Sep 2016 and ended on 31 Dec 2016.