Support Baby Kaiah 🩷

$21,640 of $10,000 goal
Given by 233 generous donors in 4 weeks

Prayers for baby Kaiah 🩷


As many of you may know Tori and Cody got news at a 23 week ultra sound for their baby girl Kaiah that she had a heart condition called hypoplastic left heart syndrome and also double outlet right ventricle. This essentially means the left side of her heart has not grown at all. The couple have flown up to Auckland starship hospital to get treatment for little Kaiah whilst also trying to juggle caring for their 2 boys who are currently at home with extended family.

Kaiah will most likely need a surgery very soon , another surgery at a few months old and then a surgery at 3 years of age. We want to take the financial stress off the family so that Cody can stay and support Tori and Kaiah through treatment and recovery without having to go back to work right now. Money will also help to fly the little boys to and from Wellington as needed so that the family can be together as much as possible whilst still making sure the boys feel like things are still normal in their world.

Many of you have been following their journey so far and they will keep everyone updated with what happens with their baby girl Kaiah. Keep her and this family in your prayers as they navigate this journey.

Kylie Joseph's involvement (page creator)

Tori & Cody’s Aunty

Use of funds

To provide assistance to this young family who need to remain in Auckland to meet the medical needs of baby. This is because both parents are unable to continue working. Funds will be used for food, accommodation and travel to and from WGTN to AUCK.

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Latest donations

Trudy on 25 Jul 2024
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Jul 2024
Babwa on 22 Jul 2024
Try throwing that in my car window!! Haha love you guys xo
Barbie and Mike
Barbie and Mike on 21 Jul 2024
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 Jul 2024

Who's involved?

Kylie Joseph's avatar
Created by Kylie Joseph
Cody Tamariki's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Cody Tamariki
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This campaign started on 7 Jul 2024 and ended on 7 Aug 2024.