Help with financial support for Chad and Karine so they have one less worry and can focus on Chads fight against Cancer.
Chad is 37 years old with a beautiful wife, and two young kids aged 6 and 4.
In May 2019 Chad was diagnosed with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma, an aggressive form of Non-Hodgkin Lymphomia that develops in the lymphatic system. Chad was initially diagnosed following a fracture in his lower leg while playing cricket. He immediately started an intensive regimen of five rounds of chemotherapy.
He was in remission for approximately 6 months before unfortunately having a relapse in April 2020. He underwent another four rounds of aggressive chemotherapy and total body radiation prior to undergoing Stem Cell Transplant in October 2020. Unfortunately a routine scan in February 2021 indicated that the lymphoma was back.
Chad has now exhausted all treatment options in New Zealand. However, he has had the opportunity to undergo CAR-T Cell Therapy in Melbourne. Chad and his family have moved to Melbourne where he has started the regime which will take approximately 12 weeks. Chad has recently had his T-Calls harvested and they are now being genetically modified so when they are re-introduced into Chad they will attack the cancer cells.
In Melbourne Chad has undergone a combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy to knock the lymphoma back before the genetically engineered cells are transfused back into him to start doing their job.
Up until Chads diagnosis, he was a happy, healthy and hardworking guy with an enormous love for his family, friends, and all things sporting. He is one of those incredible guys who would do anything for his family and friends and gives his heart and energy to all those around him.
Asking for support is not in Chad or Karine's nature. They have shown such strength during the past two years, coping quietly and confidently amid uncertain times. This next chapter has taken their challenge to the next level and they can’t do this alone, so I am asking for a little help on their behalf.
Thank you all so much for your ongoing love and support towards this beautiful family.
I am a close friend of Karine and Chad.
All funds raised will be used to support Chad and his family with travel expenses, accommodation, utilities and any unexpected bills that may ensue in the weeks and months ahead.
Update and thank you 2 July 2021
Hi everyone,
We just wanted to touch base with everyone and say another massive thank you for your love and support.
We had a meeting yesterday with Chads specialist team and they have given us the fantastic news that Chads most recent PET scan and bone marrow biopsy is clear of cancer!
We are now planning to fly home next week which is exciting. Chad will now need regular blood tests and monitoring over the next few weeks/months to ensure things are still tracking in the right direction with the team at Auckland hospital.
Once again we really appreciate your support. Thanks so much ❤️
Thanks so much Brett for your support, we really appreciate it. From Chad, Karine and the kids x
Thanks so much Kerr family, it means a lot to have your love and support x
Thanks so much Pete and Amanda, hopefully we can catch up soon to say thanks, either in Auckland or at Matarangi. Much love from Chad, Karine and the kids
Thanks so much for your support, it means a lot. From Chad, Karine and the kids
Thanks so much Steve for your support, we are really grateful. Much love from Chad, Karine, Will and Makayla
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