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Support for Amber and Pauly Rhodes!

$76,500 donated
Given by 548 generous donors in around 3 months

Amber and Pauly have lost everything to Cyclone Gabrielle - lets help them start again!

Karekare, Auckland

As you would have seen in the news, our dear friends Amber and Pauly and their daughters Beatrix and Winter have lost everything in a terrifying way as their house was destroyed by a slip during Cyclone Gabrielle.

We need to help them rebuild. They have lost their Karekare house and both cars, which they need to do their work.

Amber is one of my oldest friends and always the first person to show up to support her whānau, friends and wider community. Let's show our support for them during this devastating time. The funds raised will go immediately towards their urgent needs, and then longer term, to helping them start from scratch.

They are still waiting for evacuation, the days and weeks ahead will be long, and we’ll keep you updated. Comms are still sparse, power is still out. If you want to send messages to Amber and Pauly and the girls, for now, you can write them here. Amber and family know we’re doing this for them, and want you all to know they’re grateful for the support.

I realise that folks across the motu have been affected by the floods and now Cyclone Gabrielle, a lot of people will need support, so any amount you can contribute is so appreciated. I’ll also be coordinating a drop off point if you have physical items you would like to donate. Please email me on holli.mcentegart@gmail.com

Ngā mihi nui



Please note that they do not have contents insurance but they do have car insurance.

Holli McEntegart's involvement (page creator)

Amber is one of my oldest friends.

Use of funds

The funds raised will go immediately towards their urgent needs, and then longer term, to helping them start from scratch.

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Update and a huge thank you from Amber and the Rhodes family.  26 May 2023

The past three and a bit months, since the devastation of the Cyclone on our home, has passed so quickly and yet feels like a lifetime ago. So much has happened and we are now strangely in a whole different life than we were 4 months ago. We have moved into a lovely new home in Waitākere and are making it cosy for the winter ahead, so far it has withstood the ongoing ferocious storms in Auckland/Tāmaki Makaurau, long may it last! All of us still have moments of almost paralysing fear, most recently when I returned to Karekare during a heavy downpour and found my hands shaking on the steering wheel and planning escape routes, should the hillside below my wheels suddenly fall away, but, we have a wonderful support network, the kids are being well taken care of by school counselling staff and we have systems in place for our mental wellbeing.

The wreck of our home was finally red stickered three weeks ago and the debris cleared this past week. Countless truckloads took tonnes of mud and damaged belongings to a landfill, we managed to salvage a couple of precious things, including the poem 'Desiderata', rules to live by and which have held me in good stead during this time of misfortune (Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings!) The team who cleared the debris were incredible, they performed the task with grace and skill, and it made the process so much easier.

We will soon be performing a karakia (blessing) to acknowledge the memories, the histories, the links to our ancestors, the multitude of memories the house held, and to clear a path for the future to unfold.

We continue to count our blessings and are unceasingly grateful for your support and contributions which has helped us enormously during this trying time, so once again, THANK YOU.

May your lives be filled with wonderful things, good health and wellbeing, sunshine and joy.

Thank you once again, from the Rhodes family.

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Deb on 26 Mar 2023
Kip on 22 Mar 2023
So sorry to hear this guys!
Sharon on 13 Mar 2023
Ana on 08 Mar 2023
Lauralie on 05 Mar 2023
Wishing you and your family a speedy return to what was normal.

Who's involved?

Holli McEntegart's avatar
Created by Holli McEntegart
Amber Rhodes's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Amber Rhodes
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This campaign started on 15 Feb 2023 and ended on 15 May 2023.