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Support for Jeremy and his family through his journey with stage 4 bowel cancer

  • Where we are at.

      1 February 2024

    We want to thank everyone who has helped and supported us along the way through our give a little page. Your donation means the world to us. Just want to give a small update on Jeremy's progress and how he's doing. A few weeks ago Jeremy had a CT scan and had a follow up appointment today. The results of the scan show that the cancer is not growing, but it's also not shrinking, it's the same size it was a few months ago,so a bit of a mixed result. Treatment options for the future were discussed and Jeremy will likely start having chemotherapy in a tablet form. For now he gets to have a break for the next month to help his body recover, as the last six months of chemo have caused some significant numbness and nerve sensitivity in Jeremy's hands and feet, a common side affect of chemotherapy. We are also not sure at the moment if we will make it to Australia for a family holiday like we wished to but want to do some more traveling around the north and south island and make some more family memories. Again we want to thank those who have supported us, we really appreciate it. 🙏 💞 🙂

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  • Progress on Jeremy's chemotherapy.

      9 November 2023

    Just wanting to give an update on how Jeremy is responding to his chemotherapy treatment. Last week he had a CT scan to see how everything's going. We've had some positive news, he has had a partial response meaning the chemo is helping to slow down the growth and helping to shrink the size of the cancer in the lymph nodes. Although we have been told the cancer will not 100% go away because of where it is, this gives us more time and will help us have that family holiday we are all so excited about while jeremy is still well enough. He will have a break from chemo early next year, so for the moment we are making the most of life while the chemo is helping. 😊

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