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Fundraising for Support for Josh

  • Small steps closer ❤️

      12 September 2024
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    We all know Josh is not one to give up easily, he continues to fight and surprise us every day in his recovery, and this week has been one of the biggest ones by far.

    Our biggest wish from the start was being able to have Josh well enough and stable enough to be able to be closer to home and continue his recovery journey with all his extended family around him.

    As a family we are happy to say that Josh is one step closer, he has been stepped down from Wellington ICU on Tuesday and we were fortunate enough to be able to have him be transferred back home to Hawke’s Bay. Josh is still in ICU here but small steps are the best ones taken. On top of now being closer to home Josh has also been taken off his breathing supports early Wednesday and is now breathing all by himself for the first time in 17 days!

    We know we still have a very long recovery ahead of us, but we will take the small wins as they come.

    Lastly we want to say thank you again to all the support everyone has shown our family in the past weeks, we know we have a long road ahead but the community support and outreach we have had only makes us believe that we will never be alone on this journey.

    We do still ask that people respect family wishes to not have visitors currently as everyday is a big one and we continue to process new information as it comes.

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  • A message from Josh's family

      7 September 2024

    Firstly, we would like to say a massive thank you to everyone, we have had a huge amount of support directed our way in the past 2 weeks and we cannot thank the communities enough. Your generous donations have helped relieve stressors and allowed Josh’s parents to be by his side everyday since he left Hawke’s Bay.

    In regards to Josh’s condition, my family and I feel its fair that we do not specifically voice Josh’s injuries at this time as we believe that he would not appreciate everyone knowing all the details before he does and we want to be able to give him time to come to terms with what has happened to him privately.

    What we would like to say is that we have had a few positive test results this week that have eased a lot of questions we have had. In saying that Josh will need a few further surgeries to assist with his long term recovery.

    Recovery will be a very long road for him and he will be spending sometime in hospital but we have positive thoughts knowing that if anyone can handle this fight it is Josh ❤️

    Thank you all again for your support and love ❤️

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    • 07/09/2024 by Katrina Potaka
