Support for Kilo Oscar and family on his road to recovery
One of our group's leaders, Kelwyn 'Kilo Oscar' Osborn, has recently suffered a heart attack, and requires a quadruple bypass surgery before he is cleared for flight again.
Kilo has been the major brains and backbone of DCSNZA's operations for a long time now. If you have flown on our groups servers, it's almost guaranteed to be Kilo who put in the hours behind the scenes building whatever mission you were on. That's not to mention all the other little tasks that come with his position in managing the group, updating and resetting servers, fixing whatever the last update broke, responding to questions, actioning requests, steering the ship, and all while still being a friendly and approachable all round top bloke!
As I'm sure we all know, heart attacks are no joke, and it's a long road to recovery.
Let's do our bit to help ease the financial stress this has no doubt brought to the Osborn family. We have a great resource here to be able to gather around our brothers in their times of need, so let's use it!
Friend and associate
Financial support following heart surgery