Support for Lorraine and her young Family

$4,886 of $15,000 goal
Given by 59 generous donors in 8 weeks

Lorraine, a young mum, has an aggressive form of cancer. This page is to try and raise funds to support her and her young family.


Lorraine and her husband Anthony immigrated to NZ from South Africa in 2019. Lydia, their beautiful daughter was born in April 2020. They are in New Zealand without any family who are all back in South Africa.

In October 2020 when her daughter was only 5 months old, Lorraine was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer called a Sarcoma. The tumor started growing sometime after the birth of her daughter. The tumor is to be surgically removed with a recovery time of at least 2 to 3 months and then additional treatments, scans and follow-ups.

This has been an incredible shock for her herself and her husband. In her words:

"This has come as a very big shock for us, seeing that we are a young family and have just had our first child. We moved from South Africa to New Zealand in May 2019 to have a better life.

We are currently without family support and my husband is working full time. We have decided to place Lydia, our baby, in a nursery school to help is get through this difficult time. We have also applied for my parents to come to NZ on humanitarian grounds so that they can provide emotional and physical support to us in this time. We are still waiting to have a final outcome on the application."

As her daughters playgroup with young babies the same age as Lydia, we were all deeply moved by the gravity of not only facing this as a new, young mother, but also doing so with no immediate family support. This is the reason we are trying to raise funds to assist her, in Lorraine's words:

"My aim to is get through this time. To LIVE. So that I can be here for my husband and my daughter and see her grow up and start a family of her own one day.

I am a social worker and once I get through this, hope to get back into the field and advocate for people who go through similar situations like ours."

Kelly Shevaun's involvement (page creator)

Lorraine and her daughter Lydia are a part of our SPACE at Waikato play centre group. I am putting this page up on behalf of our group.

Use of funds

Lorraine and Anthony would like to fundraise for a goal of $15,000 towards

Lydia's Day care Fees: $275 pw x 13 weeks = $3575

3 x PET scans $2,500 each. These scans enable her to monitor her health after the op. = $7500

Quarantine for her parents = $4,050

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Quick Update From Lorraine  21 December 2020

Posted by: Lorraine and Anthony Burger

Hi everyone,

A very brief update just to let you know how I am doing: My mom and stepdad is here to support us with everything. They completed their 2 weeks in managed isolation and we are so grateful to have them with us.

After the operation I had a terribly flu which was a big set-back. But finally, it feels like I am starting to recover.

Anthony and I are grabbing a hold of more opportunities, like swimming in ice cold water! Who wants to join? :-)

There will be follow up scans and more of those things in the new year, but for now, we are just enjoying the family time and thankful to God for His goodness and grace for us.

A massive thank you to each of you: Thank you for those who have been giving frozen meals, those who helped to clean our home, those who helped with laundry, those who texted, those who sent parcels in the post, those who prayed, those who gave financially, those who encouraged and loved on us. We have truly appreciated each one of you. May God bless you.

Have a lovely festive season.

Love and regards,


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Denise on 29 Dec 2020
Our daughter Becca told us about your illness. Hope this helps!
Sheryl on 17 Dec 2020
Hiya. I personally don’t know you but heard of your story through my daughter Nicole. Sending you love and best wishes to you all.
Lorraine and Anthony Burger

Thank you so much! x

Lorraine and Anthony Burger
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Dec 2020
Lorraine and Anthony Burger

Thank you so much!!! :-)

Lorraine and Anthony Burger
Rika on 05 Dec 2020
Lorraine and Anthony Burger

Thank you so much! x

Lorraine and Anthony Burger
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 Dec 2020
Lorraine and Anthony Burger

Thank you so much for your support!

Lorraine and Anthony Burger

Who's involved?

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Created by Kelly Shevaun
Lorraine and Anthony Burger's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Lorraine and Anthony Burger
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This campaign started on 4 Nov 2020 and ended on 31 Dec 2020.