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Support for Sam & Erin

  • Sam is home - but still has another surgery to go

      27 November 2022

    Here's an update from Erin:

    Hi everyone

    Firstly I would like to say a very heartfelt thank you to each and every person who has so generously donated to this page. We are so incredibly grateful and feel very lucky to be surrounded by such amazing people in such a challenging time.

    Sam came home from the hospital on Thursday 24 November (3 weeks after the accident). He is home for 2 weeks and then has to go back in for what will hopefully be his final surgery.

    Because of the type of injury to his arm, he has had to have what is called an “ATL flap” taken from his left thigh to construct his stump. They took literally the entire front of his thigh (skin,fat, some muscle, artery etc) from knee to groin to do this. The wound is left open with a special dressing in it until such time as it is ready for a skin graft (4-6 weeks).

    The recovery from this surgery has been very intense and he can still only walk a few steps at a time with a crutch. When he returns to hospital in a couple of weeks it is to do a skin graft from the other thigh to cover the left thigh.

    Once the recovery period from that operation is over (another 4-6 weeks) we are very much looking forward to him being properly mobile again and being able to start the journey to our new normal.

    I will provide another update following that surgery in a couple of weeks.

    Thank you all so so much again, we are truely grateful for every single act of kindness and generosity people have extended to us - it really has made a massive difference to this journey.

    Hopefully one day we will be able to pay it forward.

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