Support for Tangaroa Yorke and his whanau

$6,283 donated
Given by 165 generous donors in 7 weeks

Tangaroa is currently in Waikato hospital with burns and his recovery will take a while. He and his whanau need support during this time.

Bay of Plenty

At the weekend Tangaroa was involved in a terrible accident with a fish smoker to that led to him being covered in methylated spirits which then caught on fire. He has suffered extensive burns to his back, arms and legs and is in Waikato hospital. He is a major support for his whanau and also has his first baby due any day. He needs to concentrate on his recovery and not be stressed by financial challenges at this time. He is a hard working young man who contributes to his community and works full time as a mentor, tutor and kaiawhina for students at Lynmore School.

ANY donations to him would be greatly appreciated.

Lorraine Taylor's involvement (page creator)

Tangaroa is employed as a kaiawhina at Lynmore School and is a highly valued and loved member of staff.

Use of funds

Petrol for whanau to get from Rotorua to Hamilton to visit him.

Tangaroa has his first baby being born in a month or less.

Food and other essential items for his whanau whilst he can't financially support them.

Latest donations

Andrew on 07 Aug 2020
Hey Tangaroa hope to see you back at Lynmore soon for a game of pool. Cheers Andy
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Jul 2020
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 Jul 2020
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 Jul 2020
Kia kaha Kia maia
Lizzy on 24 Jul 2020
From Anthony in Rm 1A and Cameron in Rm 4. Who hope you get better soon and miss you at school.

Who's involved?

Tangaroa Yorke's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Tangaroa Yorke
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This campaign started on 9 Jul 2020 and ended on 31 Aug 2020.