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Support for the Hanks Family

$51,600 donated
Given by 431 generous donors in 4 weeks

This page is to support Robyn through the loss of her husband Kevin, and her son Koben being in an induced coma with serious head injuries.

Manawatu / Whanganui

Many of you would have heard about the fatal car accident at Mangitinoka on Thursday 4th April which claimed the lives of my sister's husband and her son's best friend, and left her two oldest boys hospitalized - one in a coma with brain injuries.

It is heartbreaking that Kevin's life was taken so suddenly and tragically - he would have been turning 41 on the 15th of April. It will take the family a long time to adjust to life without him.

Kevin was American but had made NZ his home and resided in Woodville for the last 14 years with his amazing wife Robyn and their kids, Kasen (15), Koben (12), Allyka (10), and Ryker (8).

He spent 10 years working hard on our family farm (Peak View) before moving off there and working at a local plant nursery.

Kevin was a very sociable person and heavily involved in the local community. Kevin was a passionate squash player and also volunteered his time with search and rescue, coaching local children's soccer teams, as well as previously being chairperson for the Woodville School Board of Trustees.

Kevin was also a talented photographer, and as a side hobby had captured many precious memories and weddings over the years - some of this work is viewable on the Hanks Photography Facebook page.

His son Koben is currently in an induced coma with serious head injuries and is being flown to starship hospital.

Koben has always been a happy, outgoing kid who puts his all into everything. He is a keen sportsperson, especially loving his cricket, squash and soccer.

Koben was looking forward to celebrating his 13th birthday on Monday 8th April with his BMF (Best Mate Forever) Macauley whose life was also tragically lost in this accident.

The family thank you all for the love and support already received - it is truly appreciated.

Elise Bilich's involvement (page creator)

I am Robyn Hanks' sister and know that times ahead will be very tough for her so want to do anything I can to help her have one less thing to worry about.

Use of funds

Funds raised from this page will go to Robyn to cover expenses such as funeral costs, as well as things like petrol, food, and accommodation for the family while they are with Koben giving him the support and love he needs right now. We aren't sure what ACC is covering at this stage so if the funds are no longer required for funeral expenses the family would appreciate using them towards being able to have time off work to work through their grief and help Koben on his long road to recovery.

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Latest update

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Update on Koben  22 April 2019

Hi everyone, thanks so much for your generosity and kindness - it has blown us all away.

Just want to give you all an update on Koben and let you know that he is doing really well!!

He is still in starship but is out of ICU, feeding himself, writing, and talking a little bit too. His progress has been amazing to watch and we hope that it will continue.

I will close this give a little page in a day or two (just want to give you all a chance to read this update) as there has been more money given than we ever dreamed, and we have no requirement for any more.

I have also uploaded a few photos in the gallery of koben just taken recently over this Easter weekend.

Much love and thanks xx

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Latest donations

Hoffman family
Hoffman family on 09 May 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 May 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 May 2019
Think of you all often, sending lots of love.
Jayden and Amy Mellsop
Jayden and Amy Mellsop on 01 May 2019
Your family have been in our thoughts and prayers since the accident. Our deepest sympathy.
Blair and Kristin Neff
Blair and Kristin Neff on 30 Apr 2019
Our hearts are aching with yours during these dark days...we are so thankful for your visit back in 2012 when we got to get acquainted with your fabulous family.

Who's involved?

Elise Bilich's avatar
Created by Elise Bilich
Robyn Hanks's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Robyn Hanks on behalf of The Hanks Family
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This campaign started on 6 Apr 2019 and ended on 10 May 2019.