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Support for Zakaria Bhuiya's family

$36,148 donated
Given by 182 generous donors in 4 weeks

We wish to raise funds to support Zakaria's family. Zakaria tragically lost his life at the Al Noor Mosque on Friday the 15th of March.


It is with deep sadness that we learnt from the Christchurch shootings over the weekend that one of our AMT Mechanical employees Zakaria Bhuiya’s life was lost. He had taken a day’s annual leave on Friday to celebrate his 33rd birthday at the Riccarton Mosque.

Zakaria was from Bangladesh where his wife and family live. He was working as a welder in New Zealand to provide for his direct and extended family. He lived on the bare basics in order to maximise the money he could send home to support his family. The quality of his welding was second to none and as a company we were very proud of his workmanship.

The AMT community is deeply saddened by the events of Friday. He was a respected member of our team and a dear friend of ours.

We have set up a Give A Little page in order to raise funds for Zakaria's family. We hope the funds raised will offer the family some financial support as well as an opportunity to visit New Zealand if they so wish.

The AMT Group of Companies and staff will be making financial donations on this page, and we are also asking our key suppliers if they would be so kind to also donate.

We thank you on behalf of Zakaria's family in advance for you generosity.

AMT Mechanical Services Ltd's involvement (page creator)

The AMT community is deeply saddened by the events of Friday. Zakaria was a respected member of our team and a dear friend of ours.

Use of funds

Funds raised will be sent to Rina Akter (Zakaria's wife) to offer financial support for Zakaria's family at this difficult time.

Latest donations

Greg Mitchel from MGE Engineering Limited Auckland
Greg Mitchel from MGE Engineering Limited Auckland on 08 Apr 2019
To support Zakaria's family From Greg Mitchell, MGE Engineering Limited. Faaite Tatou I to kotou pouri. Together we share your grief.
VAE Group
VAE Group on 05 Apr 2019
VAE Group Staff Donations
VAE Group Staff Donations on 04 Apr 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 Apr 2019
Eoghan Kelleher
Eoghan Kelleher on 30 Mar 2019

Who's involved?

AMT Mechanical Services Ltd's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, AMT Mechanical Services Ltd (Business) on behalf of Rina Akter
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This campaign started on 18 Mar 2019 and ended on 16 Apr 2019.