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Support Ishaan's fight for life

  • Ishaan is Home.

      16 September 2021

    Sorry for the delay in updating - Ishaan is home from Hospital.

    He came home on trial to see how things went... and they have allowed him to stay. This is great news, it means that being home with the family is the best place Ishaan can be.

    This page and everyone who has donated, offered kind thoughts, offered assistance along the way, has been amazing. We hope this boost helps the Prasads slowly adjust and get back on track. What a GREAT community we live in.

    Thank you so much for your kindness, Irene and Sanjesh are eternally grateful. And it continues with the folk who are currently involved in Ishaan's rehabilitation process.

    Good luck Ishaan!

      1 comment  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 28/09/2021 by Virginia

      So good to hear that you are home Ishaan with your loving family. All the very best from the Spicer family in Auckland

  • Ishaan's Progress

      29 August 2021

    It's great to let you know that Ishaan is making good progress. He has been moved to the recovery suite at the hospital and is embarking on a long journey to getting better. He has suffered serious injuries that will take time to heal including his head, chest area and legs. But he is talking and eating well and even asking Mum if the house is quiet without him...!

    Cleo (my daughter) and I shared a special moment on Saturday, being able to say Hi to Ishaan briefly, over the phone. It was great to hear his voice again and an emotional moment. Again, it's an opportunity for the family to say that all the care and support received (from so many in our community) is keeping them all strong which is supporting Ishaan's road to recovery.

    Thank you.

      2 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 31/08/2021 by Vic

      Thanks Anna xx

    • 31/08/2021 by Ssan

      So happy to hear of your progress which sounds like the start of a great recovery. Please keep on keeping on. Thinking of you, your family and friends with warm wishes.

  • A heart-felt THANK YOU

      20 August 2021

    Ishaan’s recovery is going well. I apologise for the delay in updating, I am letting the info filter through as the Irene and Sanjesh are ready to share since Friday. More recently, good news…

    I spoke to Sanjesh on Friday just gone. Firstly, he said that Ishaan squeezed his hand 'tight' that afternoon. He is stable, which is good news.

    Irene let me know this morning (Monday) that Ishaan has taken on food and is communicating, he is improving which is wonderful news to hear.

    And this tonight from Irene:

    Hi Anna, thought I could update you more on Ishaan. He received his first video message from his school friends and he was so thrilled and happy. I also read out messages to him as well. I am so happy for my boy's recovery

    On behalf:

    Both Irene and Sanjesh are completely overwhelmed with the outpouring of love and support from our amazing community (and beyond!).

    Such a huge 'Thank You' for all your lovely comments and contributions.

      3 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 24/08/2021 by Rosie

      Dear Irene and Sanjesh,

      I'm sending a virtual hug from a neighbour. Your family is on my mind a lot.

      I appreciate you giving updates on Ishaan's progress. No doubt there will be many more reasons to celebrate in the future.

      Much love, from Rosie

    • 24/08/2021 by Vic

      Thanks so much Anna for the update, the girls and I have been hoping for positive news. Sending love and good wishes to Ishaan, Sanjesh, Irene and their girls. Vic xxx

    • 24/08/2021 by New

      Thank you for the update. This is such great news!