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Support Julius's fight against cancer and back to being a superstar rugby player


      15 November 2023
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    A huge thank you to everyone who donated and supported our Benefit Evening for Julius. We raised just over $4,200 and are so humbled by the great support shown by our community.

    Julius struggled for a while to get his levels to a sufficient level that he could start his next round of treatment and had to spend time at Starship but he got there! He had his first round of this really important level of treatment and is now waiting for his levels to pick up a wee bit before he can go back down to Starship for his next treatment - we're keeping our fingers crossed that will happen towards the end of this week. These treatments are super important, and a bit harsh on his body, however Julius is so amazingly positive - he is an example to us all. He also made it to the cinema and spent some time with his bestie so great steps forward. Thank you again to our wonderful community for your support - it really does help in every way.

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  • An Uphill Struggle & A Benefit Evening

      27 October 2023
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    Hi everyone, Julius has had a tough few weeks with his next round of treatment being postponed mainly as his blood levels were too low, and some problems keeping his feed tube in. As a result he's been back in Starship, is having blood transfusions and they are getting him back on track. Great news is that the recent bone marrow biopsy showed that Julius is holding his own.

    Tomorrow evening we are holding a Benefit Evening in Kerikeri for people to come along and Support Julius and his family - local businesses have been super generous in donating towards our auction and raffle and local band Soundloungers will be entertaining us, along with DJ Ian. The auction prizes are pretty much lovely items that are just a great treat and there is really something for everyone.

    Bring cash too, and we are running the raffle at $5 a ticket and will be providing some Kai (cash only) as there will be a bar.

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  • Benefit evening for Julius

      28 September 2023
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    The journey for Julius is really just starting - we have another 2 years of chemo to go, and we're confident that Julius will smash this and get through it. In the meantime, we want to thank everyone for their support to date.

    We're running a Benefit Evening, to be held at the Kerikeri Sports Complex on Saturday 28th October, and thank local band Soundloungers and DJ Ian for their support. We will be running an Auction, so an opportunity to grab some bargains - with that in mind please do contact us if you would like to donate a service or an item to the auction - Thanks again everybody for your support!

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  • Benefit Evening for Julius & Update

      26 September 2023
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    We are holding a benefit evening for Julius on 28th October, at the Kerikeri Sports Complex. This will consist of an Auction and local band The Soundloungers and DJ Ian will be providing us with some great music. Please do contact Claire on 021883616 or to donate an item or service the Auction - every cent counts!

    In the meantime, here's an update - Julius has had a few setbacks with hospital admission for further treatment and several platelet & blood transfusions. Feeding tube has been taken out as a trial because currently Julius has some underlying stomach issues which means he is struggling to keep his daily medications down which can be up to 11 pills twice a day, and they are wanting to get that sorted, his appetite continues to be pretty non existent - however, overall he is still in good spirits and keeping strong.

    Julius starts interim maintenance this week and if all counts are at a high enough level he will travel tomorrow to Auckland, with a huge treatment & theatre day planned following which he will be monitored for a minimum of 48hrs with discharge unknown.

    This plan is in place for the next 4 fortnights and is all dependant on his nutrition counts..

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  • It's a tough road

      30 August 2023

    Last week was a difficult one for Julius as all the chemo, treatments, travel etc caught up with him and his body decided food just wasn't on the cards. His weight and energy levels dropped as he couldn't take on nutrition so treatments and travel were cancelled for the week and he had a feeding tube to remind his brain that food really is a necessity! Good news is that he was able to go down to Starship on Monday and had a big day for treatments, so the feeding tube is doing it's job, and will continue to be needed for some weeks during his consolidation period. Back home now, and this week is another one with lots of treatments so a tough one for Julius. We are thankful to all your continued support and we would like to particularly thank Bald Angels who are sprinkling some angel dust and we are arranging some treats for Juiius and his family.

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  • First head shave!

      18 August 2023
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    Julius has remained stoical through his latest rounds of chemo and today was his first head shave. Not to be outdone by Julius his Gran and Uncle got their heads shaved too! This is one awesome family. We're working on pulling together the Benefit Concert and Auction - we are so thankful to have the NRC and Kerikeri Rugby Club supporting us with our fund raising efforts and to the aroha shown by our community. This is just the start of a pretty long journey for Julius so we need to keep the momentum going. Julius is currently classified as "neutropenic" - which basically means zero immunity so his bubble is being kept really tight. Big thanks to everyone who has donated, we're moving nicely towards our goal so please do donate if you haven't already done so and share, share, share the link.

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  • Julius is home!

      11 August 2023
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    Julius has had a tough week, his first blood transfusion and multiple chemo treatments. However, true to form he has kept positive and his reward has been to come home today!

    We are so delighted that both Northland Rugby Union and Julius’s own Club, Kerikeri, have come on board to support us. Thanks also to NZ Herald Kaupapa Maori Editor Joseph Los’e who did a great article for the whanau.

    Our Give-A-Little page is gradually working its way towards our target and we are so thankful to everyone who has donated.

    We’re still working on getting a Benefit Concert together - hopefully in November, and an Auction. Please contact Claire on 021883616 if you have anything you would like to donate to the auction, all the proceeds are going towards getting Julius back on his feet and on that rugby field.

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  • Julius - a true warrior

      3 August 2023

    During the past 10 days Julius tested positive for Covid, but has managed it well and is currently having round of chemo. He stays amazingly positive throughout, and is showing real strength of character and definitely has not lost his sense of humour! His immediate goal is to be well enough to come home next Friday and to continue his treatments and appointments from home, travelling to Whangarei and Auckland (which in itself will be a challenge, and pretty draining). He misses his whanau and friends so is super keen to get home, so let's keep our fingers crossed that he isn't thrown another curve ball before next Friday! In the meantime, everyone's support is really appreciated and we're a third of the way to meeting our goal, so please share share share and let's get Julius back on track.

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